Thứ Hai, 3 tháng 10, 2011

Larwyn's Linx: The American Revolution Was Not About Wealth Redistribution

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The American Revolution Was Not About Wealth Redistribution: AmPower
The Coming Post-Obama Renaissance: Hanson
Super Peaceful Wall Street Protest Sees 700 Arrested: RWN

Finally, The Cognoscenti Ask: What Could We Be Thinking? : Steyn
Optimism: RS
The Obama's Swank Night Out: Dossier

Herman Cain at TeaCon 2011: Marathon
Florida Republicans for Obama: WSJ
The Factious Left Dogs Obama: Hill


Class Warfare - Yuck!: Leonsis
AFL-CIO’s Orwellian Boss To #OccupyWallSt Protesters: Daddy loves you: LUR
Post Office Releases New Ad Attacking E-Mails: Mediate

The Obama Disaster – By The Numbers: GWP
Bill Clinton Whines About More Credit: BizzyBlog
Who's Reponsible for New Credit Card Fees?: Blumer

Gunrunner & Solyndra

Gunwalker: Under White House Control?: Owens
Solyndra and the scandal of Tomorrowland: Hot Air
Solyndra, the welfare state, and the centrality of trust: League of Ordinary Gentlemen

Climate & Energy

How North Dakota Became Saudi Arabia: WSJ
Obama's government lacks clarity on climate: Alex Mills
Fed Plan to Consolidate Power Over Nation's Power Highway Has States Nervous: Fox

Thanks to Michael Mann’s response, a newspaper censors a letter to the editor ex post facto: WUWT
Liberals' case of unrequited energy love: King
Supply Pinch in Texas Tests Electricity Rules: WSJ


Reverend Wright is off limits, but a painted-over rock is page 1 at WaPo: LI
Media Hilariously Promotes Obama As A “Uniter”: BigJ
Rush Limbaugh Wonders Why the First Lady Would Buy Lysol at Target: LoneCon

Hollyweirdo Roseanne Barr Calls for Beheading the Rich: Moonbattery
Test Drive for Tyranny: NoisyRm
The 3 Most Destructive Members of the ‘Greatest Generation’: PJM

Maybe Stephanie McCrummen Just Likes Using the N Word: RS
Time to raise Cain to contender status: Barone
Why did Obama feel compelled to attack GOP at HRC Fundraiser?: GayPatriot


Russia’s Arctic Embrace: Cold War Reloaded: RWN
Greek Cabinet to Fire 20% of Public Workers: Mish
The difference between Planning 101 and Planning 102 is...: Lamb

U.S. officials have met with Muslim Brotherhood: Atlas
Syria to U.S. ambassador: Shut up: Politico
Panetta: Israel Becoming Increasingly Isolated: VOA


U.S. Abandons Space: IBD
Thunderbolt, other HTC phones have big security hole, report claims: CNet
Mozilla is creating a 3D game engine for web browser called Gladius: LinuxToday


This Week in Automotivators, September 26-October 2: RWN
Marine's widow eternally grateful for ring's return: Chron
Last Blagojevich-linked trial set to begin today: Trib

Image: iOwnTheWorld
Today's Larwyn's Linx sponsored by: Herman Cain for President

QOTD: "'The way I think about it," Barack Obama told a TV station in Orlando, "is, you know, this is a great, great country that had gotten a little soft."

He has a point. This is a great, great country that got so soft that 53% of electors voted for a ludicrously unqualified chief executive who would be regarded as a joke candidate in any serious nation." --Mark Steyn

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