$14.3 Trillion: Current National Debt. (U.S. Treasury Department, Accessed 8/3/11)
$3.7 Trillion: Amount Added To The National Debt Since Obama Took Office. (U.S. Treasury Department, Accessed 8/3/11)
$2.6 Trillion: True Cost Of ObamaCare Once Fully Implemented. (Office Of The Speaker Of The U.S. House Of Representatives, Report, 1/6/11)
$1.75 Trillion: Annual Cost Of Federal Regulations. (Small Business Administration, September 2010)$1.42 Trillion: Federal Budget Deficit For FY2009 – Highest In U.S. History. (CBO, 10/7/10)
$1.29 Trillion: Federal Budget Deficit For FY2010 – Second Highest In U.S. History. (CBO, 10/7/10)
$1.15 Trillion: American Debt Held By China. (U.S. Treasury Department, Accessed 8/3/11)
$973 Billion: Federal Budget Deficit For The First Nine Months Of FY2011 (CBO, 7/8/11)
$831 Billion: Price Tag Of Obama’s Failed Stimulus. (CBO, 5/25/11)
$575 Billion: Amount Of Medicare Cuts In ObamaCare. (CMS Chief Actuary Richard S. Foster, Memo, 4/22/10)
$491.7 Billion: Amount Of Taxes In ObamaCare. (Letter to Speaker Nancy Pelosi, 3/18/10; Joint Committee On Taxation, 3/20/10)
$160 Billion: Taxpayer Funds For Fannie Mae And Freddie Mac. (Bloomberg, 6/13/11)
$108.7 Billion: Projected Cost Of New Regulations For FY2011. (American Action Network, 7/8/11)
$24 Billion: Stimulus Funds Sent To Tax Cheats. (Government Accountability Office, April 2011)
45.7 Million: Americans Receiving Food Stamps. (Department Of Agriculture, 8/1/11)
$18 Million: Cost Of The Stimulus Website Recovery.org. (ABC News’ “The Note“ Blog, 7/8/09)
14.0 Million: Unemployed Americans. (Bureau of Labor Statistics, Accessed 8/3/11)
8.6 Million: Americans Working Part-Time For Economic Reasons. (Bureau of Labor Statistics, Accessed 8/3/11)
6.8 Million: Foreclosure Filings Since Obama Took Office. (RealtyTrac, Accessed 8/3/11)
6.3 Million: Americans Unemployed 27 Weeks Or Longer. (Bureau of Labor Statistics, Accessed 8/3/11)
3.8 Million: Increase In The Number Of People Who Were In Poverty In 2009 Over 2008. (NPR, 9/16/10)
3.2 Million: Workers Granted Waivers So That ObamaCare Would Not Outlaw Their Health Care Plan. (HHS.gov, Accessed 8/3/11)
2.5 Million: Jobs Lost Since Obama Took Office. (Bureau of Labor Statistics, Accessed 8/3/11)
2.0 Million: Private Sector Jobs Lost Since Obama Took Office. (Bureau of Labor Statistics, Accessed 8/3/11)
1.8 Million: Jobs Lost Since Obama’s Stimulus Was Passed. (Bureau of Labor Statistics, Accessed 8/3/11)
1.35 Million: Amount Former Wall Street Lobbyists Bundled For Obama And the DNC. (OpenSecrets.org, 7/22/11)
1.3 Million: Private Sector Jobs Lost Since Stimulus Was Passed. (Bureau of Labor Statistics, Accessed 8/3/11)
1.0 Million: Construction Jobs Lost Since Obama Took Office. (Bureau of Labor Statistics, Accessed 8/3/11)
982,000: Americans That Have Given Up Looking For Work. (Bureau of Labor Statistics, Accessed 8/3/11)
852,000: Manufacturing Jobs Lost Since Obama Took Office. (Bureau of Labor Statistics, Accessed 8/3/11)
709,303: Personal Bankruptcies During First Half Of 2011. (The Wall Street Journal, 7/5/11)
633,500: Avoided Foreclosure Through HAMP, Obama Had Promised To Help As Many As Nine Million. (The Wall Street Journal, 7/1/11; President Obama, Remarks In Mesa, AZ, 2/18/09)
$278,000: Cost Per A Stimulus Job. (The Weekly Standard, 7/6/11)
89,000: The Number Of Stimulus Checks Sent To Dead Or Incarcerated People. (The Wall Street Journal, 10/7/10)
$46,453: Your Share Of The National Debt. (U.S. Treasury Department Accessed 8/3/11; U.S. Census Bureau, Accessed 8/3/11)
$15,500: Annual Cost Per Household Of Federal Regulations. (Small Business Administration, September 2010)
2020: Year That The CBO Predicts Medicare’s Trust Fund Will Be Exhausted. (CBO, 3/18/11)
408: Number Of Regulations Proposed By Obama During First Two Years That Have An Economic Impact Of Over $100 Million. (Competitive Enterprise Institute, 2011)
244: Bundlers Who Accounted For 40 Percent Of Obama’s 2nd Quarter Fundraising Haul. (Politico, 7/15/11)
90%: Americans Describe The State Of The Nation’s Economy As “Not So Good” Or “Poor.” (Washington Post-ABC News Poll, 7/14-17/11)
80%: Small Businesses That Could Be Forced To Change Health Care Plans As A Result Of ObamaCare. (The Washington Post, 6/15/10)
79%: Stimulus Funds For Wind, Solar And Geothermal Energy Projects That Went To Foreign Firms. (Investigating Reporting Workshop/ABC’s World News Tonight/Watchdog Institute, 2/8/10)
59%: Americans Think The Economy Will Be Poor This Time Next Year. The Highest CNN Has Recorded Since First Asking The Question In 1997. (CNN/ORC Poll, 7/18-20/11)
54%: Say Their Finances Are Not So Good Or Poor. (Bloomberg, 7/7/11)
16.2%: Workers Unemployed Or Underemployed. (Bureau of Labor Statistics, Accessed 7/8/11)
9.2%: Unemployment Rate. (Bureau of Labor Statistics, Accessed 7/8/11)
3.6%: Inflation Rate During The Last 12 Months. (The Wall Street Journal, 7/6/11)
1: Budget Speeches The CBO Can’t Score. (Committee On The Budget, U.S. House Hearing,, 6/23/11)
1/3: Portion Of Obama’s Fundraising That Came From Wall Street Bankers. (Reuters, 7/22/11)
0: Other People Obama Will Have Left To Blame For The Failures Of His Economic Policies In 2012. (The American People, 11/6/12)
Hat tips: Lonely Conservative, the RNC (PDF) and Maggie’s Notebook.
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