Thứ Tư, 17 tháng 11, 2010

Larwyn's Linx: Payback--DREAM Act plotters at the White House

Have a great link you'd like me to review? Drop me an email. Bloggers: you can install a Larwyn's Linx blog widget!


Payback: DREAM Act plotters at the White House: Malkin
Lame-Duck Dems: Why Fired Employees Must Leave: Reaganite
Assessing The Obama Coalition: RCP

Obama to Dems: I Want DREAM Act Passed During Lame Duck: WZ
An Open Letter To Boehner Over Lewis As Appropriations Chair: Riehl
Podesta calls on Obama to circumvent Congress: DC

First Health Care, Next the Food Supply: AT
Shock: Far Left DOJ Crackpot Behind Christie Hit Job: GWP
Rangel: There is "No Evidence of Corruption": PunditPress


Boehner Challenges Constitutionality of Obamacare: GWP
Dude, where’s my Obamacare waiver?: Malkin
How Corrupt Is the Congressional Black Caucus?: Toldjah

Jim Inhofe Earmark Update: Padding Obama’s Stash: MagNote
It Begins: Hamtramck, MI Asks To File Bankruptcy: ZH
Feds 'Crapped Away' $125B Last Year in Improper Payments: RWN

Climate & Energy

Undisclosed NBC Conflict of Interest Again Arises in Annual 'Green Week': NewsBusters
Climategate: One Year and Sixty House Seats Later: AT
ClimaHypocrite Obama Heads To Europe For More Fail: RWN


Palin: You Betcha, The Media Sure Should've Vetted Obama Instead of Fellating Him: Ace
My Very Own TSA Nightmare: PJM
The Heartless Lovers of Mankind: WashReb

DOJ’s Military Voting Mess Continues Post-Election, but Congress Now Paying Attention: Adams
More on Messaging: Ace
Finally, The ACLU Is Concerned About TSA Groping….Oh, Wait, They’re Not: RWN


The West and the Guest: PJM (Solway)
Oh, That Historic Compromise: Soccer Dad
Unreal: NATO Caves to Islamist Demands, Won’t Name Iran as Missile Threat: WZ

Heartwarming Socialized Medicine Success Story of the Day : JWF
The World Economy Flounders: AT
Guantanamo Inmates: Pictures of Women in the Newspaper are Haraam!!: WZ


One Hundred Naked Citizens: One Hundred Leaked Body Scans: Gizmodo
Is a Facebook security hole helping hackers spread iPhone 4 spam?: Sophos
Motor Trend ‘Car of the Year’: Chevy Volt (Congratulations, Taxpayers!): Malkin


Ya, No...: iOTW
Beefing Up Comment Security: C&S
Queen Michelle Makes Vogue’s Top 10 Best Dressed List…: WZ

Today's Larwyn's Linx sponsored by: Summer Patriot, Winter Soldier

QOTD: "The Christian religion is a stranger to mere despotic power. The mildness so frequently recommended in the Gospel is incompatible with the despotic rage with which a prince punishes his subjects, and exercises himself in cruelty.

...While the Mahometan princes incessantly give or receive death, the religion of the Christians renders their princes less timid, and consequently less cruel. The prince confides in his subjects, and the subjects in the prince. How admirable the religion which, while it only seems to have in view the felicity of the other life, continues the happiness of this!" -- The Spirit of Laws, by Charles de Secondat, Baron de Montesquieu (1751)

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