Chủ Nhật, 13 tháng 12, 2009

Larwyn's Linx: Glenn Reynolds Predicts the Future

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Glenn Reynolds Predicts the Future: InstaPundit
For the Annals of Good Government: Corner
From Awful to Worse: WklyStd

False Populism, Real Profits for Schakowsky (D-IL): BigGov
New Low for Daily Presidential Tracking Poll: -16: Rasmussen
I've got a new nickname for Obama: Neoneocon

Defending America

Merry Fistmas, Media Matters: No, We're not done yet: GWP
"May the Lord keep watch between you and me...": JWF
Send Rifqa Bary a Christmas Card: GoV


Graphs of the Day: AT
Skyrocketing Debt and Obama's Self-Admitted Failure: FlAces
Obamaville, Colorado’s fastest growing community: GWP

Soros climate advocacy benefits his hedge funds: AT
Raise Your Hand: Crittenden
Europe urges 'social' tax on banks worldwide: Expatica (Be)


Editor & Publisher’s Final Years A Cautionary Tale: Driscoll
Ouch! Obama Clips from 2008: GWP
Jersey Shore: MTV glamorizes a decadent, risky, and abhorrent lifestyle: PJM

'Ungovernable': Matthew Yglesias beclowns himself: Morrissey
Lefty: Don’t blame Obama; America’s ungovernable: Surber
Actually, I agree with both Reynolds *and* Yglesias: Moe Lane

On Obama's Sellout: Taibbi
AP: Climategate is Nothing: Surber
Tom Friedman's Global Warming Conflict-of-Interest: AT

Climate & Energy

A Memo to the Global Warming Cult: Doc Zero
Global Warming and the "Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion": MoneyRunner
Obama's geothermal pipe dream: Ace

We Understand How Conspiracies Work: Gormogons
Hmmm... Antarctic Ice Temperatures: Virtuous Republic
968 arrests at Copenhagen Climate Scam Rally: Maktoob


Military Mutiny in Iran?: PJM
The Dirge After the Surge: May
Philippine gunmen demand animal sacrifices: Maktoob

Perfect: Ahmadinejad, Chavez and Mugabe Will Speak at UN Junk Science Summit: GWP
As-Sahab - "The Mujahideen Don't Target Muslims" by Adam Gadahn: Jawa


Google phone looks 'supersharp': CNet
125,000-Plus Sites Tagged by SQL Injection Attack: eSecurity Planet
AT&T 3G service disruption hits San Francsico: CNet


Progress!: I Own The World!
He put in his thumb, and pulled out a plum: Michelle's Mirror

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