Chủ Nhật, 11 tháng 10, 2009

Online Disaster at the New York Times

It's not just the newsprint side of The New York Times that is hemorrhaging readers. The online side of the business has experienced a catastrophic, double-digit drop in readership on a year-over-year basis.

July 2009 vs. July 2008:

1 -- 14,277,000 -- (-27%)
4 New York Daily News Online Edition -- 9,131,000 -- 112%
5 Wall Street Journal Online -- 8,341,000 -- (-4%)
6 New York Post -- 6,535,000 -- 32%
12 -- 2,926,000 -- 41%
20 The Washington Times -- 1,803,000 -- 56%

August 2009 vs. August 2008:

1 -- 17,183,000 -- (-13%)
3 Wall Street Journal Online -- 10,867,000 -- 42%
6 New York Daily News Online Edition -- 8,573,000 -- 90%
8 New York Post -- 4,843,000 -- 46%
12 -- 2,894,000 -- 71%
18 The Washington Times -- 2,082,000 -- 76%

For comparison purposes, I've included other New York area periodicals in the list as well as The Washington Times.

It would appear that the residents of the northeast have had enough with the Times' longstanding selective reporting policy ("All the news fit to print, so long as it is negative for conservatism or positive for socialism").

It couldn't happen to a nicer bunch of propagandists.

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