Thứ Hai, 12 tháng 10, 2009

Larwyn's Linx: Tea Partiers Turn on GOP Leadership

Have a great link you'd like me to review? Drop me an email or reply via Twitter.


Top Twenty Things Obama Doesn't Say: AT
From the archives: ACORN corruption runs deep: BigGov (MonCrief)
Government Care and the Dole Family: AT

Today's Death Panel News: GWP
Far Left Hispanic Activitists Mull Census Boycott: Times
2010: Where will we be in a year?: SIGIS

Breast Panel: Steyn
NYC: Muslims Protest Profiling After Jihad Plot: Atlas
Reid in trouble in Nevada: GWP

Political Tulipomania: LegalIns
Teaching Monsters: AT
And You Still Thought Columbus Discovered America?: Riehl


The Biggest Shovel is Obama's: AT
Job Killers for Health Reform: LegalIns
Unions, Lenin, and the American Way (Part II): PJM (Atbashian)

Party of Greed: Langbert
The Key to Economic Recovery: Beauty Schools: Virtuous
More Granholm Lunacy in Michigan: BlogProf


White House to CNN: We're Punishing Fox News: GWP
Structural Issues: Crittenden
Obama administration counters Fox: Aces

Dear Harvey: Please Get Over Yourself: Big Hollywood
John McCain, president of the beltway Sunday shows: Surber
And the Award for Bestest New Blog of the Week Goes to...: American Digest

Tea Partiers Turn on GOP Leadership: Politico
Why does the Left hate Glenn Beck?: Aces

Climate & Energy

The 2010 to Yuma: PJM
Organizers Cut Microphone as Filmmaker Presses Al Gore Over ‘Errors’: Breitbart
Al Gore Proves Himself Wrong: Surber

Climate Myths and National Security: AT (Viscount Monckton of Brenchley)
Drilling here, drilling now, drilling better: Odysseus


Liberal Fawning For World Acceptance Is Pathetic: Strata-Sphere
Walk The Talk: Kesler
Speaking of Nobel Prizes: You Won't Believe This: Rubin

Peace, brother. But what about Chicago?: AT (Shiver)
First: Want to Win: Crittenden
Military, Intel Sources: Obama's Lying About Risks of Afghanistan Stategery: Ace

Was Al Qaeda-Linked Scientist Planing Nuclear Attack Against Britain?: NewEd
Voting Present on Afghanistan: Patterico


Wizards create magic spell to produce eternal energy: Moe Lane
Top 10 Halo 3 Epic Fails: Clipta


Daily Scoreboard: Surber
Puddy: The Gift: American Digest
Dial 'M' for Maternity: IowaHawk

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