Thứ Sáu, 7 tháng 8, 2009

Larwyn's Linx: The SEIU and the 'persuasion of power'

Have a great link you'd like me to review? Drop me an email or reply via Twitter.


Who We Are: Doc Zero
ObamaCare as a moral clunker: PJM (Blumer)
The SEIU and the 'persuasion of power': Malkin

Shock: Dems sneak union thugs into hall, lock taxpayers out: GWP
A Health Quiz for Barry: Townhall
Democrats sent falsified letters: Oakland Press

Say, isn't this Astroturfing?: Morrissey
Punk'd: Lib Blogger Created Obama's (Fake) Birth Certificate: ConfYank
White House Unleashes Labor Goons: GWP

Protesters in Ybor City drown out health care summit: Tampa Bay
Pop Quiz: Which Photo Contains Astroturf?: PatRoom
Castor, Carnahan Hijinks: Instapundit

DOJ pressed to explain Panthers dropped charges: Times
Obama Blubbers Another One: Kesler
Email a dead fish photo to the White House: Barrack


Key Democrat Lawmaker Received Countrywide Loans: WSJ
Top Ten Clunkers: All Detroit Brands: AT (Cary)
Change! 34 million on food stamps: GWP

Blatant Monetization Uncovered: Denninger
Willis Knighton to Discontinue Health Plus Coverage: SIGIS
FHA resignation: what aren't we being told?: Denninger

More DPS Corruption: Dead People Get Health Care, Motorcycles, Weapons: BlogProf

Climate & Energy

Meanwhile, our energy policy is still perverse: Power Line
President 'Impervious to Empirical Evidence': PJM (Rubin)
The Real Climate Agenda: AT (Ferguson)

Common decency goes a long way: Depot


Chris Matthews to Kathleen Parker: Is Sarah Palin the poster girl for racism?: Hot Air
Mob Rule Spreading: Power Line
Meghan McCain Trolling for Biker Trash on Twitter: NBC LA


A receipe for even more delay on Iran: Bayefsky
Two French Agents Kidnapped in Somalia — Why Were They There?: PJM (Jacobsen)
Obama Cancels War on Terrorism to Focus on War on Americans :JWF


Bing Search Tainted by Pro-Microsoft Results: CIO


How to dress like an “authentic” grass-roots activist: Malkin
The Secret Service Hated Jimmy Carter: Meyers
The Dis-Disinformation Czar: Ace

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