Thứ Năm, 6 tháng 8, 2009

Larwyn's Linx: Obama against free speech

Have a great link you'd like me to review? Drop me an email or reply via Twitter.


Cornyn to Obama: Stop With the Enemies Lists: WklyStd
Suddenly, a Revolution: Hanson
Obama tries to discredit health care dissent: AT (Benoit)

Hey, where's my swastika?: Wizbang
Dems' Demonization of Health Protesters: PJM
The Campaign For and Against Health Care: Pundette

Democrat "Cold Cash" Jefferson Guilty: GWP
Pranktastic: RNC redirects angry lib calls to DNC: Hot Air
Americans opposing Dems' job-killing plans: GOPleader

Obama against free speech: Blatt


Cash for Clunkers May Cost Up to $45K Per Vehicle: Goodman
$200MM: Pelosi orders up three new Gulfstreams: Roll Call
Is this Statistically Reasonable?: Denninger

Stimulus Waste Exposed: PJM
Brilliant! Stimulus funds go to foreign battery makers: Times
Chrysler workers will double-dip with unemployment funds?: BlogProf

Special interests cash in on clunker boondoggle: Examiner
Malpass on Cash for Clunkers: CNBC
Obama's whopper on middle class taxes: Tapscott

Judicial Watch Sues to Obtain Documents on Bailout of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac: JW

Climate & Energy

It's official: July 2009 was the coldest July EVER in the midwest: BlogProf


AP finally admits Obamacare includes abortion funding: GWP
Your Dress Code for Town Hall Protests: SIGIS
Think Progress, MSNBC 'Manufacture' a Story With Putative Smoking Gun 'Mob' Memo: WklyStd


A Moderate Muslim Revolution: PJM (Mauro)
Clinton Boosts North Korea: Morris
Adm. Mullen decries 'culture of poverty' in Afghanistan: Times

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