Thứ Hai, 3 tháng 8, 2009

Larwyn's Linx: Democrats' Long, Hot August Recess Begins

Have a great link you'd like me to review? Drop me an email or reply via Twitter.


Long, Hot August Recess Begins: Malkin
Islamist Groups Push Conspiracy Theories: PJM
Geithner hints tax hikes on the way: Instapundit

Palin vs. the Victim Pimps of the Left: DaleyGator
Michelle Obama's Legal Jeopardy: Maggie's Notebook
Convicted felon Monica Conyers still on ballot: BlogProf

Bachmann speaks out on denial of care for the disabled: GenGOPMom


Campaign Promises and 'Letting The Process Work': Zero Hedge
Ford: Impossible to Compete with Government Motors?: GRW
The Tao of the Clunker: Doc Zero

Geithner blames skyrocketing deficits on Bush: NewsBusters
The Collapse in Commercial Property: Economist
Big Con on Virginia's 'Big Dig': Examiner

King salmon vanishing in Alaska, smokehouses empty: AP

Climate & Energy

NYT says 2009 record cold due to natural factors; but blamed record warmth in 2000 on man: Depot
I blame global warming: parts of Michigan had coldest July ever: BlogProf
Ice choking Northwest Passage: officials: Ottawa Citizen


Has the Washington Post lost its mind?: Riehl
Liberal blogs crash and burn over Palin divorce rumor: PJM
Goldman Sachs: Scandal and Coverup: Classical Capital

Obama 2007: Commits to eliminating private health insurance: NewsBusters
Tea Party Ad: YouTube


Do All the World's Countries Really Love the Obama Administration? A Survey: Rubin
Hillary goes off script - 'clarifications' follow: Times
Someone, please, tell us this is not what it appears to be: BrutHon


Apple tried to silence owner of exploding iPod with gag order: London Times


Obama hungover at press conference: Matzav
Sometimes You Get Lucky: Crazy Uncle

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