Chủ Nhật, 26 tháng 7, 2009

Larwyn's Linx: Community-Organized Crime

Have a great link you'd like me to review? Drop me an email or reply via Twitter.


Community Organized Crime: Spectator
Thank God The CBO Works On Saturdays: LegalIns
The Empty Pantsuit: Sailer

Palin Ethics Investigator Worked for Obama Campaign: Riehl
He knows 'Stupidly' when he doesn't see it: Steyn
Every White Man's Nightmare: AT (Joyce)

Health Care Hypocrisy & The Emanuels: AT (Kemp)
History Tells Us Where Obamacare Leads: Q & O
Obama: Government Care is 'Good for Small Business': GWP

The Path Not Taken: Hansen
Barack Flanagan on Health Care: STACLU
Health Reform's Hidden Victims: WSJ (Fund)


What's in the Frickin' Bag?: Zero Hedge
Texas Health Care: Bigger and Better: Examiner
High-Frequency Trading: My View: Denninger

Repeating all the mistakes of Japan's 'Lost Decade': Examiner
How Democrats Destroy Economies: All American
The Actuary-in-Chief: Surber

Climate & Energy

3,000 Record Lows in July: Surber
Has Global Warming Stopped?: Corner
Irony: Thomas Friedman's Phat Footprint: Vanderleun

PropaBamaGanda: Anchoress


Associated Press Declares War on the Internet: LGF
Fact Checking? At the Times? Shirley You Jest: Vanderleun
Hating Sarah Palin -- and Hating Us: AT (Schwartz)

Paul Harvey vs. Walter Cronkite: TAB
Devolution: AP Waters Down Obama-Gates-Crowley Report: NewsBusters (Blumer)
Why Newspapers Are Failing, Part Hojillion: Roberta X


Battle for Helmand: Charlie Foxtrot
30,000 China Steelworkers Clash With Police: AP
Warfare by Remote Control: Charlie Foxtrot

Iran threatens to hit Israel's nuke facility: Prairie
The Plot Against Honduras: Kincaid
CAIR claims victory in 'Flying Imams' lawsuit: Atlas


Why Google won't last forever: Forbes (Gomes)


Joe Biden, Police Inspector: YouTube
The incredible 10ft 'photographs' drawn with a ballpoint pen: Daily Mail (UK)
Chuck Norris vs. Bruce Lee: All American

Obama at the All-Star Game: Hatless
I meet Sarah Palin (again): Motivation: Truth

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