Thứ Bảy, 26 tháng 7, 2008

If Barack Obama starred in Goldfinger

Huh? Dammit! I knew I shouldn't have agreed to a "one-on-one" interview with Paul Begala...









This is power, Mr. Obama. All my life, I've been in love with its aura... its brilliance... its divine gravitas.

I welcome any enterprise that will increase my stock... which is considerable!


I think you've made your point, Hillary, thank you for the demonstration.

Choose your next witticism carefully, Mr. Obama, it may be your last.


The purpose of our previous meetings is now very clear to me. I do not intend to be distracted by another...

...Goodnight, Mr. Obama.


You expect me to offer the Vice Presidency?

Oh, no, Mr. Obama, I'm tired of your endless "talk", your windy preaching of hope and change, your ceaseless flip-flopping between positions -- many times on the same day, your tired rhetoric stolen from other politicians, and your pathetic record as a failed state senator. No, Mr. Obama, I expect you to die!

There is nothing you could tell me that I haven't already heard ad nauseum! Hope, change, hope, change, hope, change! How many f*****g times must I hear your stump speech? The time for talk, Mr. Obama is over. Goodbye.

* * *

We end this clip at a fortunate juncture, dear reader, to prevent you from having to imagine the bloodcurdling cries of yet another foe of the Clintons.

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