Thứ Hai, 17 tháng 9, 2007

Romney asks the UN to indict the genocidal midget

Gateway Pundit caught a juicy tidbit on the Mitt Romney website. Romney demands that the UN bar genocidal midget Mahmoud Ahmedinejad from its headquarters in New York.

...[Romney] called for Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad to be banned from the UN General Assembly next week and indicted for genocide.

"...I call on the United Nations to revoke any invitation to President Ahmadinejad to address the General Assembly," Romney wrote in a letter to Ban. "If President Ahmadinejad sets foot in the United States, he should be handed an indictment under the Genocide Convention... "The United States and the world must take a strong stand against the terrorist Iranian regime and the time for action is now."

If the United Nations fails to act on the threat from Iran, Romney said "the United States must reconsider its level of support and funding for the United Nations... In the letter, he complained that Ahmadinejad had "spoken openly about wiping Israel off the map, has fueled Hezbollah's terror campaign in the region and around the world, and defied the world community in its pursuit of nuclear weapons capabilities."

He also pointed to testimony by US Iraq war commander David Petraeus last week to Congress that Iran was supporting Shia extremists in Iraq responsible for the deaths of US soldiers...

I'm thinking maybe we should start calling him President Mitt Romney.

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