It is ironic that just days before the 40th anniversary of the Watergate burglary we should also witness a jaw-dropping act of constitutional defiance by the current president. Then the issue was whether the president was above the law and could bend and stretch the powers of his office for whatever end he dubbed worthy. This time the issue is whether the president can write Congress out of the Constitution......Under Article II, Section 3 of the Constitution, the president has the duty to “take Care that the Laws be faithfully executed.” This provision was included to make sure that the president could not simply choose, as the British King had, to cancel legislation simply because he disagreed with it. President Obama cannot refuse to carry out a congressional statute simply because he thinks it advances the wrong policy. To do so violates the very core of his constitutional duties....
This is not the first time this president has shown indifference to the rule of law. The commerce clause? Puleez. The individual mandate is the right thing to do. Hand out bushels of Obamacare waivers to political allies? Of course, it is the right thing to do. Invent privileges to avoid investigation. Appoint rafts of czars outside the Senate confirmation process. Trample on General Motors bondholders’ interests to bail out the United Auto Workers. Use taxpayers’ money to reward fat-cat contributors peddling “green” energy snake oil. It is all the right thing to do.The president’s ambitions are unlimited. He wanted to force contractors to divulge campaign donations. David Axelrod wants to rewrite the First Amendment. And it’s accepted practice now to harass donors to your opponents.
Where's the uproar from old media? Are they letting Americans know that we have a true "Imperial President", who repeatedly defies the restrictions placed upon him by the Constitution? Of course not.
Because of their bizarre worldview, old media will now get to watch -- and keep their pieholes shut about -- the following Executive Orders that President Romney can and should write.
10. Eradicate all restrictions on oil drilling on federal lands - order the Department of the Interior to cease enforcement activity preventing oil and gas exploration and drilling on federal lands.

8. Strip all minimum fuel efficiency standards for automakers - order the Department of Transportation to cease enforcement of all CAFE standards.
7. Kill the Estate Tax - order the IRS to cease enforcement of penalties related to non-payment of Estate Taxes.
6. Not enforce 'Financial Reform' - instruct the Treasury Department and other regulators to cease all fines, levies, and regulations related to the controversial Dodd-Frank legislation.
5. Strip federal payments to teachers' unions - order the Department of Education to cease any activities that provide funds that could help pay teachers' salaries and, thus, union dues.
4. Eradicate the Capital Gains Tax - order the IRS not to prosecute anyone who fails to pay Capital Gains taxes.
3. Render the EPA toothless - order the EPA to cease all enforcement activities.
2. Implement a Flat Tax - order the IRS not to prosecute anyone who fails to pay more than an 18 percent tax rate.
1. Eradicate Obamacare - order HHS to cease implementation of all facets of the unpopular law.
See, libs -- ain't this newly created Executive Branch power awesome?
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