• President Obama lied to the American people about his knowledge of Fast and Furious
• Eric Holder lied (again) to Congress
Let’s see… Issa’s committee is conducting contempt hearings against Eric Holder as we speak because the A.G. refuses to comply with a subpoena. During all that, President Obama, who had never heard of Fast & Furious and knows nothing about it, invoked executive privilege to protect something he’s totally unfamilar with from being made public… whatever it is... Speaking of blaming Bush, the Justice Department just retracted a claim Holder made last week that his Bush administration predecessor had been briefed on F & F. In other words, Holder lied to Congress.
As Lady Liberty reminds us:
• The Obama administration happily announced the revamped Gunrunner Program (and Fast and Furious) in March of 2009
Project Gun Runner (Fast and Furious) was launched under the orders of President Barack Obama with the knowledge of Attorney General Eric Holder. Deputy Attorney General David Ogden announced the Obama Administration’s new and aggressive ‘comprehensive plan’ on March, 24, 2009. The plan was aimed at disrupting gun trafficking between the United States and Mexico.
Sooper Mexican adds:
• The "constitutional crisis" Holder threatened last week means... he and Obama have been caught red-handed
Is this what Eric Holder meant by his threat [last week] of [an impending] Constitutional Crisis? ... If so, then by their own admission, Obama and the Department of Justice is admitting that they are caught in a corner and the only way out is putting the Constitution in peril.
Thanks to the insights of a famed constitutional scholar in 2005, we can assert the following.
• Eric Holder refuses "to put the Constitution of the people before the political agenda of the President"
In 2005, then-Senator Obama had some pretty strong ideas about what the Attorney General’s duties were. Speaking on the Senate floor during the nomination confirmation of President George W. Bush’s Attorney General nominee Alberto Gonzales, Obama explained why he opposed the nomination.
... “The President is not the Attorney General’s client; the people are,” Obama added. “And so the true test of an Attorney General nominee is whether that person is ready to put the Constitution of the people before the political agenda of the President.”
And Todd Gaziano weighs in with a considered legal opinion:
• Executive Privilege is illegitimate to shield an administration from known crimes
In a desperate attempt to prevent the contempt vote in the last few hours, Holder asked President Obama to invoke executive privilege to shield these 1,300 pages of documents from Congress, and the President apparently agreed to do so. Yet that is not the end of the story. Even if properly involved, the Supreme Court has made clear that executive privilege is not absolute. DOJ must provide an explanation why all those documents fit one of the recognized categories of executive privilege. It is questionable whether they all are legitimately subject to executive privilege, for several reasons.
And author Katie Pavlich recently reported:
• The DOJ Inspector General's "investigation" into Fast and Furious was part of the cover-up
For more than a year now, the Obama Justice Department under leadership of Attorney General Eric Holder has been stonewalling the House Oversight Committee's independent investigation into Operation Fast and Furious, citing an on going investigation within DOJ by the inspector general. DOJ has asked Congressional investigators to wait for the inspector general's report and before pushing for more information about the program... Out of 80,000 documents requested for review by Oversight Chairman Darrell Issa, Holder's DOJ has turned over 6,000, leaving 74,000 with the [I.G.] ...Despite the so-called "ongoing," year long internal investigation by the inspector general, Eric Holder has yet to be interviewed.
As for vintage media?
• Bloggers Vanderboegh and Codrea are the new Woodward and Bernstein

Bloggers Mike Vanderboeugh and David Codrea did the job -- along with several brave whistle-blowers -- that network news and print media used to do (before they became so wedded to partisan hackery that they abandoned the journalism profession).
• Eric Holder's ostensible "rationale" for withholding documents from Congress represents (yet another) lie
As Charles Krauthammer pointed out this evening, Eric Holder's claim that he can't turn over documents because it would endanger the American people, is ludicrous. Not only are the requested documents non-operational, but his claim comes on the heels of an unprecedented series of leaks that have been pilloried by Democrats and Republicans alike. Coincidentally, each of these leaks appear to have one goal in mind: to make Obama appear as though he has a handle on national security (hint: he doesn't).
Oh, and one additional item, thanks to the smartest person in Congress (since Joe Biden left) -- Sheila Jackson Lee -- we now know that:
• Obama is protecting the Bush administration from prosecution
Today, Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee, possibly the dumbest person ever to walk the halls of Congress, blamed Bush for the Fast & Furious debacle. If that’s the case, since when does the Obama administration go out of its way to protect Bush?
Okay, maybe Jackson Gump didn't mean to imply that Obama is protecting W. That's just the way it came out.
Long ago, the who-knows-whether-he's-fictional 'White House Insider' asserted that Eric Holder is the key to Obama's secrets. Looks he got another one right.
Related: Make it viral: the Fast and Furious ad you've been waiting for.
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