Thứ Bảy, 30 tháng 6, 2012

Larwyn's Linx: Commerce Clause status quo

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Obamacare Decision

Commerce Clause status quo: ProWis
James Madison Would Applaud Clarence Thomas: RS
Individual Mandate for Dummies: Q&O

Roberts Too Clever By Half: AmSpec
White House Disagrees With Supreme Court Decision: Dossier
The New and Even Worse Obamacare : NRO

Glint of Bedrock: NY Sun
Legal Gimmickry Rescues Obama: Schiff
Roberts unleashes vast federal power: Times


It's stuff like this that gives me hope for America: DC
Allen West: CBC Judges Holder By His Skin Color: DC
On the President's Lack of Decorum: Ricochet

Poseur In Chief Says Does His Best Superman: RWN
American Initiative Retires, Will Move into Assisted Living: Doswell
Romney raises $4.6M after health ruling: Hill


Obamacare raises taxes on 3 million middle-class families: Foundry
ObamaCare Lost on Medicaid Mandate. It May Yet Lose on the Tax Power.: Cato
A new nightmare on Wall Street?: Daily Mail

IRS Looking for 4,000 Agents to Enforce ObamaCare: LoneCon
Education Silver Lining in ObamaCare Decision?: Cato
Obama Held Nearly Three Dozen Fundraisers in June: Dossier

Scandal Central

Issa, Grassley release details about Fast and Furious whistleblower retaliation, cover-up: DC
Colo. Solar Panel Maker That Got $400M Federal Loan Guarantee Goes Bankrupt: CNS
Obama Contributor, Who Helped Enact Assault-Weapons Ban, Ran ‘Fast and Furious’: CNS

Climate & Energy

Capping off his despotic week, Obama reimposed that 27-year offshore drilling ban: WyBlog
Farm workers threatened at gunpoint for ‘causing global warming’ by harvesting crops.: Watts
2 dead, 2 million without power in East Coast storms: ABC-6


Romney On a Roll w New Ad–Obama Also Attacked Hillary With Vicious Lies: Bruce
You Shouldn't Have Mocked Him: iOTW
“White House Statement on Obamacare Mandate Tax Contradicts Supreme Court Ruling”: ProWis

The 20 Hottest Conservative Men in The New Media For 2012: RWN
Media Welcome OTaxaCare With Open Arms: NB
Ouch!… Sarah Palin Slaps Down Bob Beckel on Death Panels : GWP

Rush on Obamacare ruling: A giant total fraud was perpetrated on this country yesterday: Scoop
New RNC ad hits on that taxing aspect: LI
Ann Romney Endorses Mia Love for Congress: WZ

Palin: “Nancy Pelosi is a dingbat and the perfect spokesman for this whole agenda of the far left.”: GWP
White House tweets about woman with ‘congenial disease’: Twitchy
Video: Alec Baldwin Plays Himself in Real Life: WZ


Obama to Soldiers: Pay Up: Beacon
It could happen anywhere, but it happened there again: LI
Greek Bank Deposits Have Biggest One Month Outflow Ever In May: ZH

Border Patrol union blasts Homeland Security instructions to 'run away' and 'hide' from gunmen: Jawa
White House Wants Tricare Fee Hikes: BlackFive
U.S. Gives Socialist Latin American Group $13 Mil: JW


iPhone 5th anniversary: How I accidentally became an iPhone user: Tuaw
World's smallest 4K USB 3.0 camera delivers 21 frames per second, fits in pockets: Engadget
Have you got October 21, 2015 marked on your calendar?: Troglopundit


Romney Has a New Name as Far as We’re Concerned: iOTW
Every Man's Secret Wish: Stupid is a five-letter word
Obamacare fundraising gets even more desperate: MB

Image: Q&O - Individual Mandate for Dummies
Today's Larwyn's Linx sponsored by: Repeal Obamacare: Support Ted Cruz for U.S. Senate

QOTD: "The fundamental problem with the court’s approach to this case is this: It saves a statute Congress did not write... The court regards its strained statutory interpretation as judicial modesty. It is not. It amounts instead to a vast judicial overreaching." --Justice Anthony Kennedy

Bonus QOTD: "“Mitt Romney will appeal this decision to the American people on November 6th. Oral arguments are already taking place.” --Ari Fleischer

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