
Potemkin Politics: IBD
Gingrich: Obama Could Be Impeached Over DOMA Reversal: USN
The Most Lawless President Ever: RWN
Gunrunning scandal uncovered at the ATF: CBS
Montana: III Percent
WI Passes Budget Bill, Most Democrats Didn't Notice: Ace
In California Unions Are The Government: Foundry
Gingrich: Allen West would be considered as running mate: DC
The Untold Story of Scott Walker's Long History with Labor: HisConWhere Have You Gone, Joe DiMaggio? : TLinExile
Unions must adjust to the new economic realities: Globe
The Alternative to Unions: Cafe Hayek
Wisconsin Democrats: Union Yes!: NRO
Does FEMA know something you and I don't?: PolFin
Climate & Energy
$8 Gasoline: IBDInspector General Finds NOAA Climategate Emails Warranted “Further Investigation”: WUWT
President Chump: You Republicans Need To Compromise And Build Energy Efficient Lightbulbs!: RWN
Vast Oil Reserves Go Unexploited in Alaska: RWN
Here's How We Get to Energy Independence: ZH
Obama Administration to Save Us From…Drilling Technology?: RWN
Will Harry Reid Hide in Illinois Too?: Foundryrack-up: Rep. David Wu needs a Democrat leadership intervention: Malkin
2010 Vote Ratings: Breaking Down the Votes: National Journal
American Bar Association, like CAIR, advocates for sharia law in US: Creeping
NBC Jumps on Prank Call to Scott Walker, But Ignored Video Sting of Planned Parenthood: NewsBusters
Best tourism video ever: Rockford IL woos Fleebaggers: Malkin
Useful Idiots, Then and Now: Driscoll
Obama Parties It Up While Americans Stranded in Libya: GWP
Think Progress's War Against The Koch Brothers: LegalIns
Soros-funded group goes after Pamela Geller: LidBy Deciding To Do Nothing, Obama Actually Has Done Something: LegalIns
Japan's Demographic Time Bomb Officially Goes Off: Mish
How About Adding a North Korea Crisis to the Mix?: PJM
From An Overseas Reader: An Islamic Valentine for Lara Logan: WRSA
Arab Journalist Laments State of Ezekiel’s Tomb: Solomonia
Pathetic: Urgent Agenda
Interesting: Anti-American Movies Flop In America, But Make Some Money Overseas: Ace
Imam Reportedly Arriving in Washington to Urge Establishment of Shariah Law in America: BigPeace
Google's algorithm change hits 12% of search results: CNNWar of the Web Giants: Fool
If You Look Like This, Your Pay Check Will Be Higher Than Average: Insider
Wisconsin Senator Found Hiding In Illinois: BHNThe Stuff of Perseverance: GardenSerf
Dave Duerson’s Ex-Wife Describes Disturbing Text She Received Before His Suicide: SportsGrid
Image: iOwnTheWorld.
Today's Larwyn's Linx sponsored by: Tell Congress: Don't Raise the Debt Ceiling
QOTD: "Barack Obama’s new era of civility was over before it began. You wouldn’t know it from reading The New York Times, watching Katie Couric or listening to the Democratic manners police. But America has been overrun by foul-mouthed, fist-clenching wildebeests.
Yes, the tea party movement is responsible — for sending these liberal goons into an insane rage, that is. After enduring two years of false smears as sexist, racist, homophobic barbarians, it is grassroots conservatives and taxpayer advocates who have been ceaselessly subjected to rhetorical projectile vomit. It is Obama’s rank-and-file 'community organizers' on the streets fomenting the hate against their political enemies. Not the other way around." --Michelle Malkin
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