
Dems: government shutdown a sign of failure, except in WI: VS
The Doomed President: AT
ObamaCare vs. The Constitution of the United States: NetRight
Walker to Obama: Focus on Your Own Damn Budget: Cubachi
Misleading Judge Vinson: Patterico
Obama’s Brownshirts Behind Wisconsin Chaos: RWN
Surprise: Group Targets Speaker Boehner’s House: Driscoll
Socialist Public Employees Want Revolution in WI: AmPower
Apocalypse Now: Wisconsin vs. Big Labor: MalkinObama Acted Stupidly In Siding Against Taxpayers: LegalIns
Athens in Mad Town: WSJ
Public employee unions show their true face: Toldjah
The Madison insurrection: follow the money: AT
WI Teachers Make More Than Twice Average Prviate Worker: TAB
It's a Start: GOP Trims $61 Billion: RWN
Outrage: Republicans Reject Tiny Spending Cuts: Patterico
Why Isn't Wall Street in Jail?: Rolling Stone
Climate & Energy
Judge to Obama Admin: End the Drilling Permatorium: AceCulture of contempt: Interior Department spanked yet again: Malkin
Congress to NASA: Study Space! (Not Climate. That’s Not Space.): PJM
Alternet's Racist Tirade Against Cain: 'Black Garbage Pail Kid', 'Monkey', CORE Condemns: BigJournalismThe Top 10 Craziest Posts At Feministing: Cassy
Wisconsin Madness as Seen by the ‘Little People’: PJM
Make Believe Media: Obama's Failure of Leadership Is Actually A "New, Crafty" Way To Lead: Ace
Fired Journalist Has a History of Anti-American Slanders: PJM
Wisconsin Blues: TL In Exile
Column One: Lara Logan and media rules: Glick
Irony: Democrat Party Subverts the Democratic Process: BlogProf
The hypocritical left, con'd. : Texas4Palin
Union & DNC-backed protests in Wisconsin sure seem a lot like the Tea Parties in some liberal minds : GayPatriot
Thoughts about the Wisconsin teachers’ union: RWN
Demonstrating race: The asymmetrical classification of crowds: TigerHawk
Emergency Committee for Israel Responds to U.N. Security Council's Attack on Israel: WklyStdObama Hoisted by Own Petard on Israeli-Palestinian Front: AT
Canadian Death Panel Decides Baby Should Die, Canadian Court Agrees: RWN
Which Stocks Will Rise? Ask Google: SmartMoneyApple Store Employee: Stop Asking Me About The Next iPhone: Consumerist
The truth is on our faces: Former Army psychologist trains troops to spot lies through microexpressions: ArmyTimes
"A Week With My Father": SparkleWisconsin Volley: Budgeting to the Baseline: MOTUS
Sorry, Nancy: GM's Place
Image: Erin Bonsteel
Today's Larwyn's Linx sponsored by: Stemberger Legal Defense Fund and I Stand With Scott Walker
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