
Everyone Should Have Seen This Coming: Chequerboard
Pictorial: Protest Saturday in Wisconsin: Hot Air
Democrats on Course to Shutdown the Government: Greenroom
Ryan: We Won't Budge on Spending Cuts: Cubachi
Pelosi: Subverting Democracy is 'Democracy in Action": RWN
Government Unions — beyond Wisconsin: Cato
Walker: 'Democracy is not about hidit out in another state': Cubachi
Cornell to open first Muslim chaplaincy: Creeping
Who Are You Unionized Against?: SDAIt's the deficits, dummy: Surber
Two Reasons Muni Investors Should Be Terrified of WI: Yahoo
Fake sick teachers may cost WI taxpayers at least $6M: Malkin
Unions tell teachers to go back to work: WaPo
Sale of the Century: Niall Ferguson
Climate & Energy
Abiotic Oil: Science or Politics?: FinSenseNature Unleashes a Flood … of Bad Science: WUWT
Libya: Stop Oppressing Protesters or We Cut Off Oil: WZ
'All the grace of an alcoholic denied the bottle': PundetteLiberals Provide Smears, Innuendo Over Fake Doctors Notes: RWN
A Post on Unions You Should Read: P&F
Peggy Noonan Seems Confused: Riehl
Some Dare Call It Treason: MNR
Cleric plans DC protest: 'rise up', establish sharia: Creeping
Happy Presidents Day, Mr. President: Diogenes
Obama's political organization colludes with special-interests to demagogue reform-minded governors: PJMom
Krugman: 'Gov. Walker Trying to Make Wisconsin and America a Third-World-Style Oligarchy': NewsBusters
Bubbles Bursting: Belmont Club
But That’s What Community Organizers Do: Hanson
The book Americans aren't allowed to buy: RWN
The Yuppie Revolution In Egypt Is Over, The Islamist Revolution Has Begun: LegalInsEgypt gets its Khomeini: JPost
Commie Thoughts on Wisconsin: ushanka
Libya, oh Libya: Mullings
Massacre in Libya: Jawa
Libya in flames: Qaddafi wages war on protesters, son vows to fight 'until the last bullet': Hot Air
Israeli MK: We Can No Longer Rely on the White House, Obama Doesn’t Lead, He Follows: WZ
In the Land of the Brother Leader: Totten
Is Pakistan's Nuke-Laden Government the Next to Fall?: TAB
Microsoft Retaliates: Mozilla, You Don't Get It: FoolApple "blowing it" with app subscription scheme, analyst says: NetWorld
All-ETF VA gives a hedge edge, Moody's says: Investment News
Big Government’s Mike Flynn Confesses “Elaborate Sting”: BigJournalismFred Levenhagen LIES!: iOTW
Would-be robbers end up losing money as stickup goes wrong: KCStar
Can You Dig It?: P-A Notes
Breaking: the Hilton Wench Goes Muslim: Tatler
Yuri Bezmenovs' 1985 Interview. "Useful Idiots": SDA
Images: Phil Hands, via Disrupt the Narrative
Today's Larwyn's Linx sponsored by: Support Governor Walker
QOTD: Christiane Amanpour: So, George, Wisconsin. Is this the sort of battle that we're going to see shaping up around the country? Is this really the sort of political and philosophical debate that's going on right now about what these cuts are going to mean?
George Will: It would have been even if the president hadn't intervened. But in the span of three days, Christiane, he first submits a budget that would increase the federal deficit and, two days later, he mobilizes his party, his own political machine, and organized labor, which is an appendage to his party, to sabotage Wisconsin's attempt to do what he will not do, which is deal with the insolvency of their government. In doing so, he has set the stage for 2012 by saying the Democratic Party is the party of government, not just in having an exaggerated view of the scope and competence of government, but because its base is in public employees.
--Obama, the DNC, & the Unions vs. The Rest of America (SDA)
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