
GOP shouldn't fear a government shutdown: WashExam
Runaway Indiana Democrats Found: RWN
Psst: Know any good organizers?: Tatler
Eyewitness to Thuggery: Malkin
A politicized DHS fights Issa's subpoenas: DC
Walker: We Can Vote on Collective Bargaining Without Dems: Std
Waste and abuse as far as the fiscal eye can see: Tapscott
Obama's buying votes with our money: Sowell
Keynesian Economics Hits the Fan: AceMarco Rubio warns of the ‘death spiral’ national debt: Cubachi
Obama Completes His Trifecta: AT
All Teachers' Unions Must Fall, Not Just Wisconsin’s: RWN
Citizens Want Wisconsin State Senators Recalled : CBN
Town hall 'rage' over spending: Politico
The White House’s hidden lobbyists: Fausta
Illinois sells bonds to the sharks: P&F
Van Jones on Wisconsin: 'Time to Draw a Line in the Sand': Loudon
Climate & Energy
It’s a Strategy, Not a Conspiracy: RSIf only someday we could develop a method to harness corn as a food: Wolf
Put the REINS on EPA: PJM
New Soros investment fund, profiting off Obama's 'green energy' push, hires top Obama energy aide: Carney
GE: "the for-profit arm of the Obama Administration": MoneyRunner
Soros joins private equity heavy in clean energy fund: CNet
Attorney General Mark Levin: Won't Enforce Roe v. Wade: AmSpecObama Misspells Libya on Twitter Feed: WTH
Bailout: GM only earned a 'profit' on paper due to $45B backdoor bailout that MSM isn't reporting: BlogProf
Amidst layoff threats, teachers' union spends millions partying: Freddoso
New Lefty Hero Blogger Who Pranked WI Gov Says “F** the Troops,” Calls Them Murdering Rapists: WZ
Letter of the day: The plight of the conservative public school teacher: Malkin
The Rand Paul 'Chainsaw' Massacre: ABC's Apocalyptic Take on 'Radical,' 'Controversial' Senator: NewsBusters
Hate Is What Unions Sell: RWN (Huston)
Jack Cashill's Deconstructing Obama: Kerwick
Remember When Obama Earmarked $400K For Two Libyan Charities Run by Gaddafi’s Children?: WZGaddafi: Shot or not?: Malkin
Reports: Most of Libya Under Rebel Control; Rebels Plan To Storm Tripoli: Ace
Will the domino effect reach Saudi Arabia?: Bruce Haigh
As a Share of Income, Americans Have the Most Affordable Food in World & It's Never Been Better: Carpe Diem
Middle East Chaos: What To Learn And What To Expect: Neithercorp
Uncle Sam Wants YOU to Design a Military Rescue Vehicle: FoxJaw-dropping timeline vid shows Android growth: CNet
A Day Made of Glass: MoneyRunner
Milwaukee Public Schools PSAT Test: DoswellIs This A Macy's Ad, Or A Math Test?: Consumerist
A Real Motown Review by MOTUS: MOTUS
Image: 'More From Madison', John Tabin
Today's Larwyn's Linx sponsored by: Tell Congress: Don't Raise the Debt Ceiling
QOTD: "Voters have spoken: In Wisconsin, Indiana, Ohio and across the heartland, they put Republican adults in charge of cleaning up profligate Democrat-engineered messes. Instead of defending their same old tax-hiking, union-protecting, spending-addicted ways, Democrats are crossing their state borders into big government sanctuary zones...
...The White House and Beltway Democrats have paved the way for subverting deliberative democracy, of course. If only Republicans in Wisconsin and Indiana had followed the Obama/Pelosi/Reid model and rammed their behind-closed-doors-crafted legislative agenda through in the middle of the night on a holiday weekend, the Fleebaggers wouldn't be on the lam today.
But GOP legislators just don't roll that way. It's Democrats who cut and run -- abroad in wartime and at home in crisis." --Michelle Malkin, "Cut-and-run Democrats flee Wisconsin"
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