Trial lawyers are the second biggest donor to the Democrats' Political Action Committee, trailing only the union bosses of the IBEW.

The "lawsuit industry" gives more money (roughly $127 million in 2008) to Congress than every sector of the health care industry, combined.

Medical malpractice costs continue to skyrocket to new historical highs, growing far faster than any other component of health insurance premiums.

Which makes the percentage of your health premium going to pay for the trial lawyers' mansions roughly 75%.

And trial lawyers bring in more money than either Microsoft or Pfizer.

Tort reform is an easy way to reduce health care costs without destroying the entire system.
But Harry Reid -- in his current mentally-incapacitated state -- won't have any of it. He requires money and power. And the trial lawyers continue to provide him with both.
ReidCare Throws a Bone to Tort Lawyers Too.
Charts: Source.
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