This method of crafting legislation, running negotiations in secret and excluding most majority party members as well as the opposition, runs contrary to the spirit of the first three words of the Preamble to the Constitution: "We the People."

This bill and many others are crafted for reasons that few people understand and will take this country in a direction that bankrupts and effectively socializes it. Health care Reform is not about rearranging the way we obtain medical care, rather, it marks the government's shift from being limited by the Constitution to instead limiting the Constitution's protection of the citizens of the United States of America.

I never thought I'd live to see the day that our elected officials would have the naked ambition to try to 'Marxize' our economy and actually brag about it. And it is equally disheartening to watch the overwhelming bulk of the mass media trumpet this agenda as something to be proud of or that, somehow, patriotism is exemplified by supporting a muzzling of the common man's will in all of this. Extending failed welfare policy to other industries will only ensure the failure of the other industries. And muzzling the populace will only lead to an eventual revolution.

I see a different future coming if we stay on this track. A future where nearly every single person's prosperity is limited not by the profitability of one's labor but by the inefficiency and lack of foresight of the committee that oversees said economy.
We have tried that once before: it was called the Soviet Union under communism, and it failed miserably. Not only was it impossible for a person to succeed by their own vim and vigor, but the very spirit of its citizens lay broken with alcoholism and suicide rampant. They are also immense problems in that paradigm of socialist ideology called Sweden. China only survives as a communist entity politically because it is rabidly capitalist in its economic agenda: at least the Red Chinese learned what works in the marketplace. This is more than our current set of leaders can say.
I fear for our Republic. I fear that the framework for a command-and-control economy will already be set by the midterm elections -- and the Congress will build on it every time they get even the tiniest bit of power from here on out. It is a given that the liberals in the Congress and even the President are at peace with being voted out if it will further their agenda of a socialist nation. What is really enraging is that the Republicans are, for the most part, complacent as passive onlookers in this process.

And capitulation is what led us to this sorry state of affairs. What we need is a firebrand of a leader who is not afraid to confront the enemy on their own turf. I say the enemy because those who endeavor to consign our way of life and capitalism to the scrap heap of history I consider enemies of the republic and guilty of treason.
Every Democrat and every Republican who votes in the affirmative for that sham of a "health care reform" bill will, in my opinion, be guilty of treason for contravening the Constitution. The times require a leader who shakes up the establishment and we need to collectively throw out anyone -- anyone -- who thinks big government can solve the world's problems. I'm thinking of a firebrand like Sarah Palin and a whole raft of young, fiscally conservative Republicans!

And relying on elections may not be the salve for our problems because the Democrats have been manufacturing voters, both illegal and dead ones, for decades. Acorn is nothing new: the Democrat Party has been cheating at the ballot box for so long that they are surprised when they don't win. Remember Chicago during the 1960 Kennedy election? We need to throw out all who support the communist propagandists and those who tolerate them. When a Republican goes along with a spending program for his share of pork he becomes a hypocrite and undeserving of reelection.
The Democrats and Republicans who 'go along' with this tragic agenda are the problem and will be voted out. We've got to stop spending like drunken sailors (this epithet actually gives drunken sailors a bad name because they stop spending when they run out of money or pass out).
Our vaunted Government is drunk on its own power and passing out money to everybody who will throw support their way. All at the expense of our children. If you are over fifty you will not be the ones who are saddled with the responsibility of paying this debt. At some point the interest alone will be too much of a burden and an economic collapse will follow. And China can keep their cheap products and will suffer along with us. Our children will never forgive us for being 'The Selfish Generation; Children of the Greatest Generation.'

We have almost completely squandered the immense power and goodwill the patriots who served in the First and Second World Wars earned for us with their lives.

That I even have to write this shows how very close we are to losing all of the liberties that prior generations of heroes fought and died for. And we can include the noble Americans who work twelve-hour days for many years to pay their taxes, send their children to college and bury their dead. They too deserve an America that appreciates every drop of sweat, tears and blood spilt for Freedom. And Freedom will bring us home. So fight for it before it is a dim memory.
Victor The Contractor
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