The United States Senate will have a very Merry Christmas this year as it gifts itself around eighteen percent of the economy. The Health Care Reform Act will effectively nationalize a sixth of the economy while offering fines and imprisonment for violators.
No one really understands what the bill in its entirety means because every time an item is revealed it creates a firestorm of controversy and resistance by one faction or another. Suffice to say this unconstitutional exercise will create a cabal of governmental institutions designed to take a fledgling medical bureaucracy and metastasize in into a 'Health Care Command and Control Administration' that progressively plans larger and larger parts of the economy.

Pizza will, of course, be banned or regulated as a major cause of obesity. Those ovens that pump out CO2 by the cubic yard have got to go, too. And cigars? Not only do they cause cancer, global warming and spew aroma pollutants, but the second hand smoke is a weapon used to assault other peoples' health. Now fur-wearing can be rightfully banned as the glorification of sport hunting among otherwise 'civilized' people. The practical implications of amassing policy-making power in one central administration is almost endless as more and more regulatory commissions join forces for the synergies each affords.

Of course the American people are screaming at their televisions every night and swamping their respective legislators with opposition but the Government seems to be on a Communist autopilot of late. Our democratic form of Government is morphing into a Politburo with a Central Planning Committee right before our very eyes. And and all the press can do is applaud Michelle Obama's choice of evening-wear and those 'cute as a button' daughters who don't know which fork to use with salad but eat with their hands so gracefully.

It is also troubling and a sign of the times that Americans don't know what is 'Constitutional' and what is not. That politicians can appear in the media and even suggest that 'health care is a human right' is an affront to all who know The Bill of Rights. And for anyone to claim compassion on the poor is doomed to be poor someday. For we are spending our childrens' prosperity so that one party may be re-elected by the masses for whom they have purchased new welfare programs.

Yes, boys and girls, there is a Santa. And he has given himself the best Christmas present ever. Control. 'Santa Congress' has engineered a plan to nationalize the entire economy and the first step is the health care industry. They did a dry-run with the finance industry and a few car companies, and seeing little protest from its citizens, the government has upped the ante. The Senate voted for cloture on Christmas Eve. Such irony is not lost on me as the Government has finally grasped the spirit of Christmas! But woe to all that this is a selfish spirit; filled with avarice, self-dealing and hypocrisy. Congress will rue the day that it opted to declare a dictator in President Obama, even as it denies the fact.
For even with a change in leadership in both Houses next November, the fix is in. The infrastructure will be in place for a 'Democratic Dictatorship' and the new members will yield to the temptation of pork for prurience. Elections have less and less impact as Democrats are increasingly corrupt and Republicans apologetic for having just a hint of morality.

I wonder if the people in Rome started investing in villas in the countryside with high walls towards the end of the empire. Or maybe just a few got out before the treasury was empty and the hoards invaded for the crumbs. There have been ten great empires the earth has been graced with or has suffered, depending on your outlook. And they all started crumbling from within when more people sat and held their hands out while fewer people got up at three AM to make the donuts. Just saying...
Have a Holy Christmas and Happy new Year,
Victor The Contractor
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