Consider the following facts:
1. Senator "Little" Dick Durbin (D-IL) believes relocating Gitmo terrorists to Illinois will help stimulate the local economy.
2. Senate Democrats are working tirelessly to bring collective bargining (i.e., unions) to the Transportation Security Administration (TSA), despite the fact that similar security-focused organizations (e.g., CIA, FBI) are kept strictly non-unionized to ensure agility.
3. The
Obama administration's Justice Department strongly asserts that terrorists captured on the battlefield have the rights of U.S. citizens.
4. Since
these barbarians were not Miranda-ized (had their rights read to them), some experts believe there's a reasonable chance they could be freed and walk right out of court.

I can come to no other conclusion that they will form a
TSA Baggage Screening Union (Jihadists Local 1) and solicit the SEIU for affiliation. Oh, and they'll vote Democrat.
It's really not funny because, sadly, it could happen with this brilliant crew in charge.
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