
SEIU tantrums in S.F.: Malkin
Capture a Terrorist, Go To Jail: JWF
After Health Takeover, Can a One-Child Policy Be Far Behind?: AT
Kentucky Census
Schakowsky's ex-con hubby guest at State Dinner: Marathon
Sarah Palin at Fort Bragg: Wizbang
The Carly Bloggers: Riehl
John Hawkins on the Blogosphere: STACLU
Change: 3rd quarter GDP 2.8%, not 3.5%: Hot AirHousing: Yes, That Was (And Is) A Train Wreck: Denninger
It's Called 'Precedent': Denninger
Ohio’s Konop: Let Kids Starve; We Need to Fund Unions: STACLU
Real City of Genius: Today we salute you, Pasadena: DHB
Bernanke Get's Punk'd (Again): Zero Hedge
Networks, Media Blacking Out ClimateGate Story; ABC Instead Runs Headline, 'Climate Report Says Even Most Dire Predictions Too Tame': AceClimategate: MSM Writers Try to Ignore Scandal But Readers Bring Them Back to Reality: NewsBusters
ClimateGate: Some Dig Their Heels In: PJM
Dem Koan: Driscoll
WaPo: Stop Whining, Sure Some Will Die But We Need To Save Money On Health Care: Ace
Rachel 'Mad Cow' Maddow vs. Second Amendment: Grand Rants
Moving to Mockery and Derision: Wizbang
Wrinkled Gray Lady Refuses To Pubish "Illegally Obtained" Emails Proving Global Warming Is A Fraud: BlogProf
Climate & Energy
Science czar John Holdren and ClimateGate: Perfect together: MalkinCEI Sues NASA in Wake of Climategate Scandal: PJM
More From the East Anglia Archives: Power Line
Treemometers: One of the Scandals Behind the CRU Emails: S&L
Climate Frauds May Face Criminal Charges: Science
CRU's Source Code: ClimateGate Uncovered: PJM (Sheppard)
Deconstructing ClimateGate’s Smoking-Gun Email: PJM (Blumer)
U.S. Acting in Iran¹s Interest, Opposition Leader Says: TimmermanIran: They're Just Killing Themselves: PJM (Ledeen)
ADL is now a danger to the survival of Israel: AT
Best Black Friday Deals for Gadget Lovers: FoxSecurity Trends for 2010: Ent IT Planet
The Trial of the Next Century: Six Meat BuffetBeautiful and well-played, Mrs. O: Anchoress
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