
Hood: 'Resist the Temptation [for] Political Theater': JWF
We weaseled and equivocated and appeased: Steyn
Get Ready for 'Amnesty II - The Sequel': AT
KSM's Opening Statement - Priceless To Him: LegalIns
Mukasey on KSM in Civilian Court: Corner
Giuliani goes nuclear on Obama: Hot Air
Rathke on Tea Parties: BigGov (Volpe)
Muslims Abused In US Military? Hoax!: Gormogons
If KSM is acquitted, Mr. Obama, will you release him?: Patterico
Liberals and their Church of Health Insurance: Surber
100% Plus Taxation Key To Permanent Dem Majority: LegalInsMore Great Headlines for ObamaCare: Corner
Detroit Union Wants Mayor Fired for Not Collecting Dues for Them: BlogProf
AP in full attack mode: Con4PalinBeck devotes entire show to black conservatives: Hot Air
Palin's Book Tour Builds on Effective Web Strategy: WSJ
Finding an Impartial Jury for KSM Should Be Easy: JOM
Newsweek Runs Incredibly Positive Cover Story on Sarah Palin: Powers
Palin Retakes Center Stage on Book Tour: Times
CBS News Tries to Tamp Down 'Hysteria' Over NYC Terror Trials: NewsBusters
TIME Notes A Few Tiny Problems: Dinocrat
The AT Readers' Complete Lexicon of Political Speech: AT
UAE Women Up In Arms Over Oprah Episode: Maktoob
Climate & Energy
World Leaders Agree to Delay Global Warming Deal: NewsBustersWorld
It's Official: War was Iraq's Best Option: ShadowlandsMao's Jacket for Oba-Mao: AmDig
Here We Go Again With the Bowing and Scraping: Ace
How America Created the Fort Hood Shooter: AT
If a President has done this in 1942, it sure would have saved everyone a lot of trouble: AmDig
Obama: Strong Prosperous Communist China Can Be 'Source of Strength for Community of Nations': GWP
Britain's Jailhouse Jihadis: Prairie
Why I Murdered 13 American Soldiers at Fort Hood: Nidal Hassan Explains It All to You: RubinRep
Other Nations Resist the Urge to Bow: Hot Air Pundit
Mind Over No Matter: Hands-On with the Psychic Controller: KotakuBig-Box Breach: The Inside Story of Wal-Mart’s Hacker Attack: Wired
Six Years of Patch Tuesdays: Schneier
Got Vertigo? Terrifying Towers & Glass Balconies: WebEcoist6 Insane Laws We'll Need in the Future: Cracked
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