
Obama 'Beyond Radioactive' In Many Dem Districts: Ace
Obama's Dollars and Cents Report Card: Wizbang
Congress: ObamaCare for Thee, but not for Me: PJM
Americorps, KJ and "Damage Control": Examiner
92 Percent of Physicians Back Tort Reform: BMW
First, stop Medicare and Medicaid fraud: ExaminerThe Republican Alternative: Spectator
ObamaCare's Monthly Abortion Fee: GOPleader
White House Awash in Phony “Stimulus” Claims: GOPleader
Where are the damned indictments?: Denninger
Have you seen your congressman's padded retirement plan?: Examiner
Obamaconomy: 14% of mortgages late or in foreclosure: MW
Forget about the 2012 Apocalypse Movies...: DHB
Another Obama nominee faces tax troubles – Lael Brainard: FAM
MSNBC's Finest Reporter: Norah O'Donnell: Verum SerumHammer: 'It's a new kind of business as usual': NewsBusters
Chris Matthews: Palin Supporters Racists: BlogProf
Tapping the Golden Vein: Doc Zero
Palin’s publisher boosts print run from 1.5 million to 2.5 million: Hot Air
Heh! Andrea Mitchell Tries to Ambush Palin on Tour; Stopped by Police: Weasel Zippers
It was a dark and stormy night in Chicago...: Driscoll
Some Palin-Mitchell Photoshops: Riehl
Palin nearly doubles Obama's viewership: Surber
Climate & Energy
"Scientists" Faking Data to Establish Global Warming They Know Isn't There: AceMike's Nature Trick: Watts
Continuously Updated 'ClimateGate' News: Depot
Smoking Gun Evidence of Climate Fraud: AT
Dems try to orchestrate Gas Tax increase: RedState
Warmal Gloating: Crittenden
Banished at Turtle Bay: WSJLashkar-e-Taiba threat revived after Chicago arrest: Reuters
Putin Murders Another Lawyer: PJM
Gates contradicts Axelrod on Afghan Troop Deployment: Verum Serum
God and Government: Islam and West Are Incompatible: AT (Imani)
Russian Orthodox Priest Shot to Death, Had Converted Muslims to Christianity: Gray Lady
Career Fair FAIL: FailBlogCornucopia
The "R" Files: TarkanianI Feel So Used...: Sarah Palin's Uterus
Comment o' the day:
"Only in government do you get to bribe a politician with someone else's money." -- Conservative Generation
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