
SEIU, Socialists Threaten Lieberman’s Home: GWP
Finally: Jihadist-enabling lawyer Lynne Stewart ordered to jail: Malkin
Honest Liberals on Mob-o-Care: AT (Lewis)
Administration stonewalling Congress on Hasan?: Hot Air
Obama Names ‘Devout’ Muslims to Security Posts: INN
Obama - Palmer re-examined: NewZeal
Why the Left fears Sarah: AT
Interview with VA-8 GOP candidate Matthew Berry: JIP
'Ban Government Employee Unions': AT (Moran)47% to pay no income tax whatsoever: Zero Hedge
Cops Raid NY Newspaper Circulation Offices: McClatchy Watch
NAACP, La Raza Rip Obama for Job Losses: GWP
Checking the ObamaCare Math: PJM
Obey slams Obama for stimulus job reporting errors: PolDaily
Grim milestone: National debt now tops … $12 trillion: Hot Air
Stimulus money went to 440 non-existent districts: BlogProf
Illinois’ Gov And Senator Think Terrorists Bring ‘Good-Paying Jobs’: BigGov
Fact Check This, Associated Press!: AT (Cashill)Smearing Someone Who Knows Someone Who Knows Sarah Palin: LegalIns
The Pinchurian Candidate: Driscoll
The even more offensive Newsweek photo of Sarah Palin: Malkin
Hey, who’s up for six minutes of “teabagger” jokes on MSNBC?: InstaPundit
Malkin visits Orange County conservatives: AmPower
CMPA Reports Fox Fair and Balanced: BizzyBlog
Palin is here to stay: Examiner
What's on YOUR reading list?: SIGIS
Climate & Energy
‘The Light of Day’ Exposes the Green Movement’s Roots in Tyranny: BigGovClimate Theology: Gore offers eco-salvation to followers: 'I'm offering you the choice of life or death": Nelson
Obama's 'half-hearted climate efforts' welcomed by skeptics: Climate Depot
Open Letter to the Chinese Premier: DenningerCuban Blogger Beaten by Regime Thugs — This Time, the World Notices: PJM (Gomez)
U.S. rips expansion of Israeli settlement: Times
Barack Obama still wants to visit old hometown Jakarta: Australian
Muezzin not welcome sound in Switzerland: Maktoob
An International Women's Brigade for Afghanistan: PJM
Are nations hiring criminals for botnet attacks?: InfoworldCornucopia
Japanese mortified by Obama's bow: FoxObama's Home Teleprompter Malfunctions During Family Dinner: Onion
Prison Security Simply Put: SondraK
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