
Why I am freaking out: Zero Hedge
Entitlements bleeding dry faster than ever: Times
The risk of debt: McArdle
Dems Lack Waterboarding Exit Strategy: LegalIns
Rich Contributor Turns on Obama: Plumline
Labor Targets Elderly War Hero: LegalIns
More evidence Pelosi lied comes to light: GWP
Book your flight today!: NRCC
Musings on McCain, Hayek, and Revel: GM's Place
The new bellwether for 2010: Greenroom
Letter of Amends from a Recovering Liberal in Berkeley: AT (Robin)
Shared sacrifice ends with the Feds: Instapundit
This is how it's done, Sykes: Protein Wisdom
Closing Gitmo: Gina Cobb
The pope and Islam: Times'I have my very own Israel problem': Sheridan
How Ahmadinejad Made Me a Believer: PJM (Simon)
Climate & Energy
EPA memo says Greenhouse Effect not proven: MorrisseyOMB memo leaked: Serious Economic Harm likely from EPA CO2 Rules : EPW
Gore's Greed and Hypocrisy: Scripps
Obama's energy sources 'neither affordable nor available': Times
Senator Labels Agency Memo 'Smoking Gun': BMW
Chris Matthews can't handle the truth: AcesComforting myths about gun control: PJM (Cramer)
CNN: GOP Battle Between 'More Tolerant' Moderates & 'Staunch Conservatives': NewsBusters
Waiter! I’ll Have What Steve Hoffman Is Having...: Blumer
CBS Early Show's Infomercial for Nationalized Health Care: NewsBusters
Government Healthcare Takeover: State of Play: Patterico
12 things that do not make sense: New ScientistChina blocks U.S. from cyber warfare: Times
Parasitic flies turn fire ants into zombies: McClatchy
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