Joe Biden blurts out classified info: WklyStdIrony so thick you can use it as pancake syrup: AT (Moran)
ACORN workers: we had voter registration quotas: Post-Gazette

Reclaim: RC
Foreclosure hit minorities most: TAB
Cheney 7, Leftists 0: PJM (Hawkins)
Teddy the K loses his brain: OregonGuy
Perpetual Campaign Stimulus Package: Marathon
Chris Dodd holds a press conference: Instapundit
It's Not Just Wealthy Conservatives Fleeing NY: JWF
Civilian Security Force: MoneyRunner
LeMay and the Tragedy of War: WSJ
Climate & Energy
The Catlin Ice Follies: AT (Lee)Troy, MI builds a solar house: MoneyRunner
Pouring cold water on global warming: Belfast
Israel's Secret War With Iran: WSJObama’s U.N. Mistake: NRO
A deadly clown: El Baradei, Iran's protector: Matzav
Iran-Syria alliance in harmony: Spyer
Kuwaiti Prof pontificates on a bioweapon attack against U.S.: Infidels

Liberal Taliban issues Fatwa against Miss California: CoulterStop an echo: Clue Batting Cage
Axelrod calls Prejean a Dog: AT (Joyce)
Jon Stewart shreds Nancy Pelosi: COWVA
China installs a secure operating system on all military PCs: H-OnlineSecret EU Open Source Migration Study Leaked: Slashdot
Transcript of a speech in which Barack Obama is self-deprecating: TreacherQuote o' the Week: Brutally Honest
Pelosi Haiku: Pelosiku: Treacher
Honda Insight: Biblically Terrible: Times UK
Experience the wonder of a solar-powered car: Knox News:
There are things I'm not wild about with the 2010 Prius redesign, though. I'm not sure I like the new center console, and the optional moon roof is ugly and the solar panel is a bit of a joke. (All it does is run a fan to reduce interior heat buildup when parked. They could have at least had an option to trickle charge the battery, even if its only a few symbolic milliamps.)
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