
Cheney's speech, with video: Ace
Fed Changes Rules to Benefit Government Carmakers: NewsBusters
Health Care Plan Will Destroy Private Insurers: Verum Serum
Homegrown Islamic Jihad in the Bronx: PJM (Chesler)
Why don't we Steele away?: BizzyBlog
Feds bust four 'man-made disaster' planners: GWP
The Gitmo Myth and the Torture Canard: Herman
Liz Cheney, Mitt Romney crush the Hypocrites: Ace
Jerkinator springs into action: will cut CA pay... in 7 months: LGF
Could Obama turn Indiana red again?: Charlie Foxtrot
What Obama means when he says 'fairness': PJM (Farrow)
Obama vs. Cheney: not a duel, but opening arguments: TAB
SEIU prez: Democracy is ugly: Marathon
Lefty blogger eyes Gitmo flip-floppery: Tiger
Obama to 'apologize' for America's role in WWII: GWPTurkish advertising ready for membership in EU: AmerDig
Sham colleges open door to terror suspects: Times of London
‘Definitive Guide’ to Environmental Lawsuit on Eve of Chevron Shareholders Meeting: BMW
Shock: GE's Immelt endorses Cap-and-Trade scam: BMIWaxman admits he doesn't understand his own bill: BlogProf
Joe Klein: If only Krauthammer could walk, he’d be a better pundit: Hot AirThe most insanely biased "news" story in history: Power Line
NYT forced to admit error: AT (Rennert)
The value of newspapers: MoneyRunner
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