
A theory behind Ted Rall's diatribe: Instapundit
Birds of a feather: Surber
Dealergate's Conservative 'Message' Problem: RSM
The troubling 'wise Latina' roundup: Instapundit
Judge Sotomayor: A Nation of Cowards on Race: LR
Artificial Selection In Dealer Closings: Zero Hedge
Is Dealergate About Politics and Racism?: IAKL
Sotomayor's Damned Statistics: LegalIns
The scandal at Rezko U.: Trib
How you doin' on that free ride to college: Kass
Malpractice lawsuits a huge issue for PA: PennLive
It's Date Night!: GWP
More food for molar-grinding: Protein Wisdom
Don't give Sotomayor a free ride: DenPost
What's wrong with a little wealth redistribution anyway?: CFP
Outrage: American Indian-Run Charter Schools Indoctrinate Students in Bizarre, Out-of-the-Mainstream Ideologies and Discredited Theories: Ace
Chrysler, GM CEOs Summoned To Washington To Testify On Dealership Closures: Autospies
Billionaires Agree on Plan to Rid Earth of a Billion People: TABIsrael to U.S.: 'Stop favoring Palestinians' : Haaretz
Japan Apologizes for Bataan Death March: ABC
An Unhealthy Infatuation With Obama: IBDAmerican Capitalism: Gone With a Whimper: Pravda
Unreal: Patterico Banned from Patterico
The full interview with Jack Fitzgerald: GretaWire
Exactly what will the TuckPo be?: Greenroom
Miniaturizing the Sun: LGFMarket disruptor -- or destroyer: Cnet
World War One Color Photos
Spring finally arrives in the northwoods: PJM (Priestap)I am so old: The Old Jarhead
Identity of traffic-stopping billboard bra model revealed: Daily Mail
Comment o' the day (Comment by kelly on 5/29 @ 3:36 pm):
...If only we had a…I don’t know, say a nationwide organization of…inquisitive people who really like to dig below the…uh…headlines and attempt to find the truth with a skeptical zeal in learning more about issues and fervently holding the government to a genuinely high and noble standard.
Maybe we could carve out room in higher ed for the express purpose of tutoring these naturally curious types and put them to work in…say, a medium that sets itself apart from government propaganda and works as…say, arbiters of truth and judicious concern for the greater public’s need to know the whole story. Y’know to provide a check against goverment over-reach and provide a much needed backstop for citizens to monitor there governments. An unelected–what to call it?–some kind of estate, if you will.
Nah, too far-fetched.
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