Thứ Năm, 25 tháng 4, 2013

Larwyn's Linx: The Left-Wing Lie Machine Takes A Mortal Blow

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The Left-Wing Lie Machine Takes A Mortal Blow: Denninger
Dead Boston jihadi bomber was on classified government watch list : Scoop
Boston manhunt brought people together -- over desire to have a gun: LI

Who the hell is the Saudi student at the Boston Marathon bombings?: AWD
Secretary Napolitano Caught in Lie, Media Absent: CDN
Breaking: Saudi Student Alharbi Visited the White House Several Times: GWP

Senator: We May Have Known About the Boston Bombings in Advance: RWN
Don’t Fall Into the Boston Immigration Trap: Foundry
DOD holding urban warfare exercise in Tinley Park: Trib


Tsarnaevs were on welfare until 2012: AT
Lawmakers negotiating Obamacare exemption for Congress: Riehl
Startup In Illinois or Texas? What Should A Startup Consider?: P&F

Scandal Central

Report: Obama, Clinton Misled on Benghazi: Max
Napolitano: Obama Regime can decide which laws to enforce: TPNN
Jon Corzine's Day of Reckoning?: WyBlog

Climate & Energy

Another Obama Green Project Folds after Getting Millions from Taxpayers: JW
If Obama Truly Wished To Turn Around The Economy, He'd Approve Keystone Today!: Lid


Poll: Pelosi Most Hated Congressional Leader or the most surgically altered, at least: WZ
The "We Don't Want to Know" Form of Bias: Ace
Trust us! We're the government!: Sensing

Mark Levin: Obama has unleashed his wrath in the form of unnecessary furloughs of air traffic controllers: Scoop
National Parks Service worker says he’s forced to blame sequester if asked why no park tours: Scoop
Obama Counts on Media to Shift Blame for Flight Delays: AIM

NBC, ABC Ignore a Blistering House Report Placing Blame for Benghazi on Obama, Clinton: NB
100 Students Wear Shirt After One Suspended, Arrested for Wearing NRA “Protect Your Rights” Shirt: RWN
John Boehner's Daughter Marrying Pothead: NationalEnquirer

Boston Bombings Propel Fox News to First Place: AIM
A Nation Of Effeminate Eunuchs: Camp o' the Saints
A Note for Reese: Mike Stiles


Walid Shoebat exposes shocking Arabic Facebook page of failed jihadi terrorist arrested in Canada: Scoop
Boston jihad bomber was "angry that the world pictures Islam as a violent religion": JihadWatch
Tensions Grow Between China and India: Foundry

They Always Blame America First.: Geraghty
Saudis Have “Trusted Status” Into US – They Do The Vetting: UK France Germany Israel? No: MagNote
France: Muslim screaming "Allahu akbar" slashes rabbi's throat; authorities searching for motive: JihadWatch

Sci-Tech (courtesy

The Trading Robots Really Are Reading Twitter: Yahoo!
Awesome CERN Animation of Big Data Behind the Super Collider: ScienceWorldReprot
BlackBerry Q10 Review: Can the Keyboard Bring You Back?: ABC


Saudi Terrorist? What Saudi Terrorist?: MOTUS
Williams-Sonoma pulls pressure cookers from shelves: Clash
Unipartisanship in action: Axelrod to Join Romney at Summer Retreat: WS

Image: Science World Report - CERN Animation of Big Data Behind the Super Collider
Today's Larwyn's Linx sponsored by: Get Ready for 2014: Support the Senate Conservatives Fund

QOTD: "The quasi-sympathetic "bomber brothers struggled with new identities in America" feature pieces are doing no favors for immigration reform. The notion that these two are somehow representative of some universal immigrant struggle to adapt to American life is weapons-grade horse[puckey]. Millions upon millions of immigrants made new lives for themselves in this country without feeling the need to bomb the Boston Marathon. If you think adaptation to American culture might cause you sufficient stress to make you commit mass murder, please leave immediately.

By the way, this society was pretty damn kind to these two. The terror-financing blog "MoneyJihad" assembles what we know of the brothers' finances -- and it includes a $2,500 scholarship from the city of Cambridge in 2011 and public assistance for the family." --Jim Geraghty

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