Chủ Nhật, 30 tháng 9, 2012

PREVIEW OF COMING DEFICIT ATTRACTIONS: Greek Neo-Nazis Granted 'Police Powers' Over Immigrants

Because -- historically speaking -- giving Nazis authority over others has worked out so well:

Greece: Neo-Nazis Golden Dawn Given 'Police Powers' over Immigrants

Support for the Neo-Nazi party is soaring amid claims that anti-immigrant violence is deliberately ignored by police

Greek police have been accused of directing the victims of crimes allegedly committed by immigrants to seek retribution from the violent neo-Nazi Golden Dawn party.

Golden Dawn is increasingly taking the law into its own hands with the complicity of security forces, the Guardian reported.

Numerous Athenians told the British newspaper that police are openly advising people to seek Golden Dawn protection instead of dealing with their complaints.

"They immediately said if it's an issue with immigrants go to Golden Dawn," explained a US-trained civil servant who called police following an incident involving Albanian immigrants.

Support for the Neo-Nazi party is soaring in the near-bankrupt state, as are racially motivated attacks on immigrants... Immigrant communities accuse police of turning a blind eye to this sort of crime.

"In the past six months, knife-wielding fascists have attacked some 500 persons with impunity," Javied Aslam, the head of the Migrant Workers' Association in Greece and leader of the Greek Pakistani community told the BBC.

Although it sounds unrelated to the American economy, in truth this should serve as a dire warning to anyone concerned with the future. Unchecked deficit spending will lead to bankruptcy as certainly as night follows day. And civil unrest, despotism and tyranny follow close on bankruptcy's heels.

Unlike Greece, however, no country is large enough to bail out the United States.

Hat tip: @CapFlowWatch.

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