That's not a joke. That's a serious question. Consider:Exhibit A: The Obama-Holder Justice Department is suing Arizona for its enforcement of federal immigration law. Arizona's SB1070 is modeled directly after the immigration law passed by Congress and signed by President Roosevelt in 1940. In other words, Mr. Obama is siding with the Mexican government and its criminal elements against American citizens. Or, in the words of Professor Terry Lovell, "Mr. Obama is on the side of the Mexican drug cartels."
Exhibit B: The Justice Department's "Operation Fast and Furious" supplied more than 2,000 military-grade weapons -- many of them purchased with taxpayer dollars by government informants -- to the Mexican drug cartels. Among the weapons purchased for the cartels by the American people: Barrett .50-caliber sniper rifles, AK-47 assault rifles, and FN assault pistols. Put simply, Eric Holder was arming the Mexican drug cartels and lying to Congress about it.
Exhibit C: The Justice Department is also requiring Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) to free illegal aliens even if they are caught committing serious crimes. Because a significant percentage of illegals caught committing crimes are members of Mexican drug cartels and other gangs, Mr. Obama is literally issuing "Get Out of Jail Free" cards to the most vicious criminals imaginable.
This is not a joke. This isn't funny.
President Obama is doing his level best to support the Mexican drug cartels. And, if that's "over-the-top", prove it. Can you show me one shred of evidence that Mr. Obama supports the American people over the drug cartels?
And one more question: are traditional Democrats so cynical that they can support these activities? I pray not.
2012 is coming.
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