Thứ Tư, 15 tháng 6, 2011

Signs of Desperation Appear in Obama’s Camp [Dan from New York]

Dan from New York:

Appears the Democrats' copywriters are already out of ideas – just like their client.


Obama Campaign Sends Around Misleading DNC Video on GOP Debate

ABC News, June 14, 2011

At last night’s Republican debate, the seven candidates talked about unemployment, taxes, regulations, former Gov. Tim Pawlenty’s talk of a goal of 5% GDP growth, the individual mandate in the health care bill, the Independent Medicare Advisory Board, welfare reform, the Tea Party, currency policy, the National Labor Relations Board, Boeing, TARP, the auto bailout, Rep. Paul Ryan’s Medicare proposal, former Gov. Mitt Romney’s health care program in Massachusetts, raising the debt ceiling, raising the retirement age for Social Security, the role of religion in public life, the 10th amendment, Libya, Afghanistan, and so on.

But President Obama’s 2012 campaign is sending out a DNC video suggesting the candidates spoke only about sharia law, an anti-gay-marriage amendment, repealing health care, Sarah Palin, and the space program.

Read the rest and see the video right here.


Look for: Insulting Americans’ intelligence (liberals and other hopeless Obamaphiles excepted) and condescension. Most Americans have seen this deceptive and hackneyed technique before and see right through it.

Look for: The “talking-to-yourself syndrome” and inadvertently doing ads for the other side. The cloistered lefties and liberals who make up Team Obama can’t imagine that their “invidious” sound bites actually deal with issues that are of concern to the American people, and for those who still dwell on planet Earth, show the Republican candidates in a favorable light.

[rim shot]

When you've lost ABC...

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