Thứ Bảy, 14 tháng 5, 2011

More Good News for California: Card Check About to Be Signed Into Law By Governor Union Toady

Is there a more exciting, relevant news journal than Dairy Herd Magazine? When it comes to the Democrats' latest attempts to implement socialism, probably not.

ThIf SB104 passes, it could have major ramifications for California agriculture... The card-check bill, sponsored by the United Farm Workers Union, effectively eliminates secret ballot elections for union certification. A labor organization would be certified as the workers’ bargaining representative by submitting cards bearing the signatures of a majority of the employees...

Opponents of the bill believe eliminating secret ballot elections will give a green light to worker intimidation, coercion and bullying from union leaders...

...Eliminating secret ballot also takes a fundamental right away from employees. “In this country, we believe when people have to make decisions they do so in the form of secret ballot from electing officials at the local level to federal election and even in business,” says Anthony Raimondo, agriculture labor law attorney with McCormick Barstow in Fresno, Calif. “Think about who we are. We teach our children these same values, that the best way to vote is in a secret ballot election. The union wants to take this away from workers – it’s just not right.”...

At the end of the day the card-check bill is the worst thing that could happen to dairy farms in terms of labor problems.“Right now, if the union shows up a dairyman still has a chance. Without secret ballot election, in most cases it will be over before it starts,” he says.

No word has come from Gov. Jerry Brown’s office if he will sign SB104; opponents of the bill believe that he will. SB104 was approved by the senate and is currently sitting in the state assembly.

Of course he will: how else can he satisfy his most powerful group of backers, other than perhaps the foreign-controlled, pro-illegal immigration, separatist front groups?

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