Thứ Năm, 24 tháng 3, 2011

Photo Album: The $1 Home and Other Phenomena of Democrat Governance

Yesterday's news that Detroit lost 25% of its population in the last decade should come as no surprise to those familiar with the unholy alliance of corrupt Democrat politicians and union bosses. Besides Michigan, the states of California, Illinois and New York are next on the chopping block. Decades of unchecked Democrat rule have left cities and states wastelands akin to a Mad Max movie.

Go to Zillow and look at a aerial photo of Detroit... You can buy homes all over Detroit for less than $10,000. For less than $500,000 you could buy 4 or 5 city blocks, build a mansion, surrounded by razor wire of course... Property taxes on a Detroit $400k house of $15,000 / yr. as compared to West Palm's $6,800. If they would cut those taxes they might still have some people wanting to live there.

Let's do a fly-over, shall we?

When President Obama talks about affordable homes for all, I have a feeling this is what he has in mind.

Update: For those refugees still nostalgic about Detroit, there's always the burned-out Detroit Lego home.

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