Thứ Sáu, 21 tháng 1, 2011

Larwyn's Linx: The Philadelphia Horror--How Mass Murder Got a Pass

Have a great link you'd like me to review? Drop me an email. Bloggers: you can install a Larwyn's Linx blog widget!


The Philadelphia Horror: How mass murder gets a pass: Malkin
Idiotic, Baldly Political Requests for DQ of Supremes: Patterico
Sharia Law Gains Foothold in U.S.: Creeping

Guess Hu was the only Republican to dine with Hu?: RWN
First Black Tea Party Forms in Houston: BigGovt
West: Liberal/Progressive Agenda Wants Control Over You: WZ


Bankruptcy Declaration For States Sought – Quietly: SHN
Bail them out, regulate them, then work for them: Carney
Anatomy of a fraud on the public--Obamacare: Prairie

1MM Illegals Took Jobs From Citizens In Last 2 Years Alone: Ace
Border Patrol Reduced to Picking Up Trash: RWN
Obamacare as unpopular now as it was at cram-down time: GWP

Sacrifice: $399 Bottles of Wine at State Dinner: GWP
What Explains Crystal Meth?: Mises
DNC announces new executive associated with ACORN: Caller

Climate & Energy

GOP gearing up for EPA fight in House and Senate: Hot Air
Water, Water Everywhere but Hardly a Drop for Farmers: RWN
Form Follows Fiasco: Driscoll


All 3 Network Morning 'News' Shows Embargo Gosnell Story: Ace
Lib radio talker attacks GOP Lt. Gov. of WI: Malkin
Elevating the Dialogue: Granite Sentry

No, Beck Did Not Tell His Viewers to Shoot Anyone: Patterico
Liberals ain’t that smart about Palin: Surber
Prepare for an Obama victory in 2012: Simon

Dependence Day: Steyn
MTV's Sordid 'Skins': CNS
Senator Jon Kyl and Karl Rove: Hewitt


Coming Full Circle on Military Tribunals: Wolf Howling
Obama praises China's "desire to give children a better life": Pundette
Chinese visit prompts fainting spell: Granite Sentry

Pope should stay mum about murders of Coptic Christians: BrutHon
'West must show respect for Islam to ease Muslim anger': JihadWatch
Call For Hearings Into Threat of “Creeping Sharia”: WZ


How Larry Page’s Google Will Function: Mashable
Verizon fires legal shot against Net neutrality rules: CNet
Why Microsoft's Ballmer Should Remain CEO: eWeek


Jordan McCabe - Now this kid's got game: KOMO
The 20 Best Nicknames in the Big Mafia Bust: Village Voice
Missouri Democrats want to Shoot, Cook and Eat Babies: BlogProf

Sorry Dude: You Met Your Goals But You're Not Getting a Bonus: DoT
The Best of 10-Years of RWN Humor: RWN
The Most Important Book You Will Read This Year: JOM

Today's Larwyn's Linx sponsored by: Granite Sentry
QOTD: "Permanence is the illusion of every age. But you cannot wage a sustained ideological assault on your own civilization without profound consequence. Without serious course correction, we will see the end of the Anglo-American era, and the eclipse of the powers that built the modern world. Even as America’s spendaholic government outspends not only America’s ability to pay for itself but, by some measures, the world’s; even as it follows Britain into the dank pit of transgenerational dependency, a failed education system, and unsustainable entitlements; even as it makes less and less and mortgages its future to its rivals for cheap Chinese trinkets, most Americans assume that simply because they’re American they will be insulated from the consequences." -- Mark Steyn, "Dependence Day"

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