Thứ Sáu, 10 tháng 12, 2010

Time-Traveling Blue Dog Democrats Finally Arrive in the Year 2007

The Hill reports that the "fiscally conservative" Blue Dog Democrats (try not to chuckle) finally arrived in the year 2007. By that I mean the few "moderate Dems" who survived the 2010 Midterm beatdown at last organized themselves sufficiently to create a Twitter account.

The Blue Dog Democrats now have their own Twitter account under the handle @BlueDogPress.

Blue Dog Coalition is now on Twitter! reads the feed's first tweet. Follow this account for the latest info on the Blue Dogs in the House of Representatives.

The coalition's membership of centrist and conservative Democrats was slashed by at least half during the midterm elections. Two of its four leaders — Reps. Baron Hill (Ind.) and Stephanie Herseth (S.D.) — did not secure reelection.

So far, the account has 12 followers.

Which is about the same number of Americans who believe a modern Democrat can be fiscally conservative.

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