It's not mentioned much now, but in the late summer of 2008, a major hurricane, Gustav, was in the Gulf of Mexico and headed toward New Orleans, threatening a replay of the disastrous Katrina experience. On September 1, 2008, Barack Obama, fresh from his Roman-colonnade speech on the final night of the Democratic convention in Denver, talked to CNN's Anderson Cooper about Gustav and the Gulf. The question: As president, could he handle an emergency like that?
...Obama pointed to the size of his campaign and its multi-million dollar budget as evidence of his executive abilities. "Our ability to manage large systems and to execute, I think, has been made clear over the last couple of years," Obama said. That executive ability, he added, "indicates the degree to which we can provide the kinds of support and good service that the American people expect."
In other words, running a campaign proves I can run the country.
How's that workin' out, Mr. and Mrs. America?
Anyhoo, in the comments, mfsheldon pens our winner.
During the campaign, all Obama had to do to fix something was give a speech.
Rev. Wright race-hate problem? Give a speech.
Polls tightening? Give a speech.
It was a formula that worked--in a campaign. You cannot govern with speeches, especially when your words are completely at odds with your actions.
Of course, he did not write the speeches. Then again, he did not actually manage his campaign.
Is it at all surprising that his governing style continues to be the "perpetual campaign"?His shockingly polarizing speech in Pittsburgh last week reveals how little gas remains in the sputtering engine. It was an oddly bitter and partisan attack for a standing President to make. It felt oddly desperate, especially in light of Friday's jobs report.
Mr. President, a bitter partisan tirade will not fix unemployment any more than claiming you will "not rest until the spill is contained" will plug a leak.
The fact that Obama was hobnobbing with celebrities and doing political fundraisers while "not resting" shows what little regard he has for our lying eyes.
Obama simply had no sense that being President is actually a job that requires skills at governance. He never ran a single thing in his life. It shows. He still thinks governance is giving a speech.
The problem is that his speeches have no correlation with his actions.
Does anybody really believe for a single solitary second that we are truly in the "NEW ERA OF RESPONSIBILITY"?
Well said, mfshelton. Well said.
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