Thứ Bảy, 5 tháng 6, 2010

Larwyn's Linx: Vindication -- Obama's Culture of Corruption

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Vindication: Obama's Culture of Corruption: Malkin
The danger of a government with unlimited power: Will
The Dems' Secret Plan to Hold Congress: Newsweak

Documenting the real Elena Kagan: IBD
Hare (D-IL) goes after his constituents: BigGovt
Hare Fails with Vets and Threats: BMW


Hawkins vs. Reich, Right vs. Wrong, Now vs. Then: RWN
Markets slammed: here's what you need to know: Insider
3 Days Into The Month: $169B of Debt Redeemed: ZH

Politicians' Gameplan: Fiscal Suicide: RWN
Slaves of the Ethereal Machine: Doc Zero
Play the Long Game: TigerHawk

Climate & Energy

At last, the climate extremists debate us: Monckton
Big Government's Katrina: AT
Advice to BP: Shrug: AT


Figures: ABC's Davis moves seamlessly to the SEIU: Politico
DADT: A Question of Priorities: AT
Losing is the new winning: Zombie

A Real Nowhere Man: Pundette
The University Guild vs. Glenn Beck: Shlaes
How's Your Math? Are the Oil Plumes as Big as Reported? : Adrienne

FTC floats Drudge tax: Times
Homo Politicus: AT
Barack Obama didn’t part the waters - he just made them dirtier: Carr


Shock: Obama pals Ayers, Dohrn, Evans behind Terror Flotilla: RWN
Israelis board Rachel Corrie boat, arrests Leftists and Islamists: GWP
Thank You and God Bless You, Naval Commandoes of Israel!: JOdysseus


Scientists find a 'hint of life' on Saturn's moon Titan: Daily Mail (UK)
Harnessing a star's power for clean energy: CNet
Malware found lurking in apps for Windows Mobile: CNet


Because When You Get Hired As a Hooters Waitress, You Don’t Expect It To Be All About Looks: Powers
Calling All Graphologists: The BO Signature is Up for Analysis: AmerDigest
Diminished Recall: Ace

Image: iOwnTheWorld.
Today's Larwyn's Linx sponsored by: Chuck DeVore for U.S. Senate.

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