Thứ Sáu, 4 tháng 6, 2010

Larwyn's Linx: Politics as Usual

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Politics as Usual: RWN
Dem Sanchez: Racists behind AZ immigration law: GWP
Ohio, Washington to Start Homeland Response Forces: DOD

CBC tries to squash ethics investigations: RWN
White House may withhold Kagan documents: KaganWatch
Documents show Kagan's ultra-leftist leanings: CBS


Christie slams public teacher unions: AT
NEA using children as human shields for union bailout: BlogProf
Newt to Michigan: Change or decay: Marathon

ObamaCare's three bad outcomes: Pundette
Congress to expand war on Toyota to Ford: FlopAces
Worse than a depression: AT

Climate & Energy

Oops! Katrina Global Warming Lawsuit Backfires: RWN
Astronaut on Obama's Botched Spill Response: Moonbattery
Top 10 suggestions James Cameron gave BP: BlogProf

Casey mindlessly obeys Eco-nuts' orders to deprive PA of money, jobs, energy: CBullitt
UVA defense of Mann: Back off, he's a scientist!: PJM


If you haven't had a job offer from Obama, please raise your hand: LAT
Parallels Between Present-Day Iran and Nazi Germany: Woolsey
Andrew Sullivan's blog now officially a cry for help: Ace

Our 1979: Hanson
Rove: Joe Klein's 'Man Love' For Obama Makes Chris Matthews' Tingles Pale By Comparison: NewsBusters
20 questions for the Blagojevich jury selection: Kass


Iran One, Obama Nothing: PJM
That’s the thanks Israel gets for acceding to Washington: Kesler
It's Not About the Flotilla: Turkey Changed Sides Years Ago: BRubin

Hamas Thanks International Community By Looting NGOs: LegalIns
Ties that no longer bind: GoV
U.S. Interferes With Israel's Gaza Blockade: Forbes

Beating Swords into Welfare Cheques: Steyn


What to expect from the new iPhone: CNet
Fantastic Overview Of China And Its Death Grip On Rare Earth Metals: Insider
Microsoft to fix 34 holes in Windows, Office, IE: CNet


Cash Still Gushing Uncontrollably from White House Money Spill: Doswell
"We Con the World": Little Miss Attila
Bay City Rollers, Ann Margaret & the best audience you will ever see in your life: Dangerous Minds

Image: Nate Beeler, Washington Examiner.
Today's Larwyn's Linx sponsored by: iOwnTheWorld
Hat tip: W.

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