Thứ Năm, 3 tháng 6, 2010

Larwyn's Linx: The Long, Hot Summer of Corruption

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The Long, Hot Summer of Corruption: Malkin
Is the Obama Presidency Doomed?: Nice Deb
People Who Need People: Belmont

Why no one wants to be DNI under Obama: TEB
Another Dem offered a job to drop out of race: HA
Romanoff confirms: White House offered three jobs: WashExam

What is going on in Georgia's 4th?: RWN
Tony DeMasi and the Chicago Way: Provocateur
In defense of Linda McMahon: RWN


And Bob's Your Uncle: AmSpec
Reid's push to nationalize police, firefighter unions: RWN
Union-run pensions dying: guess who will bail them out?: IBD

Broken record: Obama wants tax increases, blames GOP: GWP
Another Obama record: Federal debt tops $13 trillion mark: Times
FBI Crime Stats: an Armed Public Is a Safer Public: PJM

Climate & Energy

Sinking 'Climate Change': Thomas
Obama's Hostage Crisis: Cashill
AGW Comedy Gold: UN Can’t Afford Climate Meetings: CBullitt

Blast from the Past: GWP
We can't afford not to drill in the Gulf: Times
Investigation reveals ties between Obama, oil spill cleanup: Exam


Great Israeli Massacres (and the European Media That Love 'Em): Steyn
Question: Did Obama’s Urging Lead To Paintball Guns?: Kesler
As Reality Unfolds About Flotilla, World Media Continues with Fictional Narrative: PJM

Who in the media will stand up for Michael Yon?: BigJournalism
Obama Administration Seeks to "Reinvent Journalism": Patterico
Good grief. CBS Evening News says Al Gore split the fault of... Bush!: BlogProf

Profiles In Hypocrisy: Style Weekly
Spitzer Gives the Revolving Democrat-Media Door a Bad Name: WashExam
Obama's Islamic Poll Dance: Times


A lesson in 'courageous restraint': Pollak
The End of Turkey as an Ally: Marathon
Turkey’s Gaza Flotilla Sails Eastward toward Sharia: PJM

An Iranian Port in Gaza: LegalIns
Bawney Fwank: Israel Killed “Innocent” Activists: Weasel Zippers
My Neighbor, Joe Gaza: Hindenblog


Van Helsing Moonbat Tech: Pedal-Powered Porsche: RWN
China Freaks Out The World: New Restrictions On Export Of Metals Crucial For National Defense: Insider Google


Small Flags: American Digest
Daniel in the Lion's Den: Moonbattery
Sir Paul and the Taxman: MOTUS

Image: Moonbattery.
Today's Larwyn's Linx sponsored by: Support Pollak for Congress: Jan Schakowsky Must Go
Thanks to: W. for many of the Linx.

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