Thứ Bảy, 10 tháng 4, 2010

New York: 90% Want Public Sector Union Workers to Forego Raises

Gee: is a 9-to-1 ratio statistically significant?

Nearly 90 percent of respondents to this week’s RBJ Daily Report Snap Poll say the state’s union workers should forgo 4 percent raises... Faced with a deficit of more than $9 billion and a late budget, [Gov.] Paterson asked union members who work for the state to forgo the raises, which took effect April 1... non-union state workers have gone without scheduled raises for the past two years.

The leaders of New York’s public employee unions rejected his call, saying Paterson has been unwilling to listen to union ideas for saving money—in particular, reducing the state’s hiring of private contractors... Unions represent more than 100,000 state employees. The 4 percent raise adds an estimated $400 million to New York’s annual payroll costs.

Prediction: New York's public sector unions will fight the taxpayer tooth-and-nail. In doing so, everyone will lose including the rank-and-file government worker.


Set the Wayback Machine to 'Depression Era', Mr. Peabody!
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