Thứ Tư, 7 tháng 4, 2010

Larwyn's Linx: What 1946 can tell us about 2010

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What 1946 can tell us about 2010: Barone
Racial slurs hurled by AT Tea Party members: Nice Deb
The Wasserman-Schultz Town Hall Thug-Fest: GWP

Do Anti-Steele Plotters Have An Endgame In Mind?: Ace
Separate the Individual Mandate from ObamaCare?: PJM
Sweet 16: Nevada, Arizona Join ObamaCare Suit: Riehl


Tax Lovers and the Laffer Curve: AT (Hoven)
For the Love of Capitalism: Doc Zero
Playing Chicken in the Bay State: Wizbang

Unions are Killing Us: Cali Pension Edition: Verum Serum
Greece Sets 10-Year Bund Spread Level: 450 bps Nears: ZH

Climate & Energy

Armageddon: Global Densification: Dewey
Detroit starts to raze 3K homes. Stops after just 1...: BlogProf
For First Time, Energy Trumps Hippies: BigGovt


AP discovers that black tea party members exist: Hot Air
What if Sarah Palin called it 'Kaminsky Park' and flubbed softball White Sox question?: Malkin
Hanoi Jane blames her treasonous activities on evil right-wingers: GWP

CNN, NYT boost WikiLeaks' anti-Military Infomercial: RWN
A real 'outing' of a CIA Operative by Obama administration: AT
NYT: Pssst. Palin was right about those death panels: TAB

UK Media: Obama’s Mentor 'Frank' Engaged in Pedophilia: RWN
Middle East's Biggest Con-Game: Claiming Israel is the Cause of the Region's Problems: BRubin
Lessons of 2,065 Years: Denny


Obama Nuclear Policy: What, Me Worry?: VodkaPundit
Russia Moving Fast Before 'Arms Control' with U.S.: AT
Obama's No-Nukes Policy: Hungry for "Accomplishments: Ace

Tariq Ramadan: A Viper in Our Midst (Thanks to Hillary Clinton): PJM
Venezuela's Electricity Crisis Goes From Bad to Worse: Fausta
Former UN mission head: Karzai 'off balance' -- could be a heroin addict: Politico


Is permission needed to retweet hot news?: ArsTechnica
Researcher Details New Class Of Cross-Site Scripting Attack: DarkReading


Exclusive! Hank Johnson's Guam Diagram: RPB
Dear Geezers: Denny
Abbreviations gone bad: iOTW

Keith Olbermann and Lawrence O'Donnell on Countdown, MSNBC (video):
Image Credit: iOwnTheWorld.

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