Chủ Nhật, 4 tháng 4, 2010

Larwyn's Linx: Virginia rejects federal overreach of Obamacare

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Virginia rejects federal overreach of Obamacare: Cuccinelli
The words of a man who should be President: RedState
Had a Bad Day?: Patterico

The Principle of Repeal: DocZero
A Reason To Believe: Belmont
In The Future, Everyone Will Be A Klansman: Driscoll

He is Risen! Truly, He is Risen!: Anchoress
Mark 16:1-8: HoosierBoy


The Takers Weigh Down the Makers: Tapscott
Is Stimulus Spending Political?: Reason
Debt Disaster Dead Ahead: Politico

Unions Killing Chicago Convention Biz: RWN
Civil War or Civil Decline? Can America Save Itself?: PJM
A word for the CEOs Waxman seeks to bully: Hindenblog

Progressives can't get past the Knowledge Problem: Reynolds
The Return of the Show Trial: PJM

Climate & Energy

Save the environment, but don't save your arse: CotS
Y’know, that might just be the point.: RWN


PUMA Power: the Next Generation!: Driscoll
Uhm, "brown-nosing" the White House: Atlas
About Obama and My Politics: The Hud

The Other Foot: Rhetorican
Disgusting: NYT Mashup Tries to equate Weather Men Trrorists and Tea Party Activists: AmPower
God and Government: MNR

Rush Limbaugh, Chris Matthews and the 'regime' question: York


Parochially Post-American : Steyn
Toronto Star 'Reporter' Trivializes Islamist Jihad Genocide Chants at JDL Protest: AmPower
The Psychology of UCI’s Muslim Student Union: PJM

Genocidal Welfare Queens: Steyn
Saudi Arabia and the Peace Process: AT
Massive Blasts Rock Central Baghdad: Maktoob

This time, Israel will not walk into the ovens: Rep. Trent Franks
The Weatherman and the Wind: Spyer
Muslims jailed for praying at Spanish ex-mosque: Maktoob


CNet's Full Review of the iPad: CNet


Contest! Best Tea Party Candidates Slogan: Daley Gator
Somali Aircraft Industry in High Gear: Celestial Junk
Todaze Lympian: SondraK

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