Thứ Bảy, 3 tháng 4, 2010

Larwyn's Linx: Should America Bid Farewell to Exceptional Freedom?

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Should America Bid Farewell to Exceptional Freedom?: Ryan
We The People: Strata-Sphere
Destroying the Constitution’s Structure is not Constitutional: Volokh

Are you ready for government-run radio?: RWN
100 percent repeal of Obamacare: King
An American family’s Cancun horror: Malkin


Paying the Price for Obama: AT
Unemployment and Census workers’ true confessions: Malkin
ACORN plays the rebranding game: Vadum

Media Matters Attacks Study - Without Reading It: BigJourn
Is this a recovery?: Mauldin
Granholm: ObamaCare a good deal for Michigan: BlogProf

Climate & Energy

New vehicle efficiency rules could paralyze recovery: WashExam
The EPA's Gas Guzzlers: PJM
Stop the EPA's 'Big Corn': Times


Barack Obama’s Helter-Skelter, Insane Clown Posse, Alinsky Plans to ‘Deconstruct’ America: Breitbart
Saving the Republic: Yes We Can: AT
The unraveling of the Tea Party racial smear: ABC

Limbaugh responds to Obama: 'Never in my life have I seen a regime like this': York
The “Affordable Care Act:” not a mandate?: RWN
Listen up, you dweeb: Dewey from Detroit

Left: we can't find anyone that thinks Obamacare is unconstitutional: RWN
Letterman and Pam Stoat: an excellent interview about the Tea Party activists: iOTW


Push Meets Shove: Mudville Gazette
US Military Analyst: Obama is the First Anti-Israel President: Blogmocracy
A Bow Seems Defiant Compared To This: LegalIns

Amnesty International Comes Out of the Closet — Endorses "Defensive" Jihad: Corner
The Trust is Gone; It Will Never Again be the Same: Koch
Imperial History of the Middle East: Maps of War


Laptop Killer? iPad Comes Close: WSJ
The Manual Pages That Saved Apollo 13: Gizmodo


Getting Back to our Roots MOTUS
2011 Penny: iOTW
Save the Republic: It don't make sense

QOTD -- Michael Barone:

My American Enterprise Institute colleagues Kenneth Green and Steven Hayward provide a pithy summary of this long article in Germany’s Der Spiegel entitled “A Superstorm for Global Warming Research.” Green and Hayward write:

“Far from parroting the ‘settled science’ canard, Der Spiegel points to many ‘open questions’ of the science, and says ‘anyone who speaks with leading climatologists today will discover how many questions remain open. The media, politicians and even scientists often talk about changes to the weather with a certainty that does not in fact exist.’ The authors are even willing to raise the ultimate heretical question: ‘Will the situation on the planet truly spin out of control if the average global temperature increases by more than two degrees Celsius?’

For a more pungent appreciation of the Der Spiegel article, read the Daily Telegraph’s James Delingpole. Sample: “When the Germans say Auf widersehen AGW [anthropogenic global warming], it really is time for the rest of the world to sit up and take notice.”

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