Thứ Ba, 6 tháng 4, 2010

Larwyn's Linx: The Perfect Constitutional Storm

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The Perfect Constitutional Storm: AT
Tea Party Express announces "Shame on Stupak": Marathon
Maverick? Moi? Surely you jest: Ace

An Open Letter To Rep. John Lewis: RWN
1,000 welcome Tea Party to STL in soaking rain: GWP
Progressives and the knowledge problem: Tripp

Dems dread Supreme Court fight after elections: York
Obama's List: AT
Radicals to Rule Us All: Times


'What if the CBO got it wrong?': Hot Air
'Stop me before I steal again': PJM
Death by Senator: Recalling Schumer and IndyMac: BigGovt

Unions Cutting off Noses To Spite Their Faces: RWN
S.F.’s housing mob and the death of property rights: Malkin
Watching Summers Spin: Denninger

Climate & Energy

Greenpeace Advocates Terrorism To Fight Global Warming: RWN
CAFE Curtains for Detroit: Dewey
O's Offshore Drilling Policy Farce: DMF

Was the Arctic Ice Cap 'Adjusted'?: AT
Dems consider global warming gamble: WashExam
EPA and DOE are caught fudging efficiency ratings: Times


WikiLeaks 'Collateral Murder' is Left's Latest Attempt to Criminalize U.S. Wars: AmPower
Does Anybody Really Understand ObamaCare?: AT
Then & Now: LB1901

Chris Matthews Beclownment Spectacular: BlogProf
The President's Popularity Plunge: Hewitt
Can CNN Be Saved From Itself?: Driscoll


It's Official - We Will Not Bring Nukes To A Chem or Bio Weapons Fight: LegalIns
Greece is NOT under control: Denninger
Evangelical Left Targets Israel: Frontpage

Video Shows Reuters Cameraman Embedded With Insurgents Being Killed: Jawa
Why was Michael Yon arrested in SeaTac?: Yon
America's aims in Afghanistan endure a pair of setbacks: WashExam


Apple's Plan to Conquer the World: PJM
Aggregators help media professionals keep on top of digital content trends: Guardian


Dust in the Wind and the Summer of 77: AmDigest
Nancy Pelosi meets the Easter Bunny: Parkway Rest Stop
World's Biggest Rabbit Shows Up on Easter: Ace

Graphs Credit: DShort: Debt to GDP and Taxation.

QOTD (hat tip: Ben):

"If patriotism is the last refuge of a scoundrel, then racism is the first charge of the intellectually lazy. It never ceases to amaze me how quickly liberal columnists scream "racism" at those challenging their beliefs. It is an easy way to avoid the merits of arguments they oppose and inadvertently dilutes legitimate charges of racism. We as a nation will never reach a point of civil discourse if this highly charged accusation continues to be recklessly thrown about." -- Sean McHugh, Alexandria, Washington Post Letter to the Editor

Bonus QOTD (hat tip: Papa B):

"Surely something must be terribly wrong with a man who seems to be far more concerned with a Jew building a house in Israel than with Muslims building a nuclear bomb in Iran ." -- Columnist Burt Prelutsky

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