Thứ Năm, 8 tháng 4, 2010

Larwyn's Linx: New Obama policy - Deny Visas to Israeli Nuclear Engineers

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Obama’s politicized, profligate U.S. census: Malkin
Race and Politics: Sowell
Specter: It's Tough Being a Turncoat: RWN

Can't. Breathe. Laughing. Too. Hard.: Malkin
Liu 'Forgets' To Include Controversial Work for Senate: Ace
Texas School Indoctrination Alert: Deceitful Definitions: RWN


Victory Lip?: Blackwell
The Tax Formerly Known as the Medicare Tax: Commentary
Golden Geese Demand Admittance To Slaughterhouse: Ace

In a bid to reform GSE's, Obama can't shake Clintonistas: PJM
'Why, there's no requirement to buy health insurance': Hot Air
Consumer Credit: OUCH!: Denninger

Climate & Energy

More GE Corporate Cronyism: Propaganda at -34° F: WUWT
What to say to a global warming alarmist: OCR
A New And Effective Climate Model: WUWT


Who's Been Fibbing? Evidence That Obama Was Deeply Involved in Socialist New Party Organization: New Zeal
Obama's jihad on 'jihad': Times
Support Your Local Tea Party: PJTV (Whittle)

MSM Continues False Reporting of Reuters "Murder" in Iraq: Jawa
Tea Party Protesters Burn American Flag: Jawa
Rush Limbaugh caller's awesome call to action, "They're coming after my way of life": BlogProf

The Media's Strange New Respect for the Tea Party: Ace
Twilight Of The Gods: CNN’s Current, Pitiful State: Driscoll
NPR’s New Abortion Terms Skews Toward Pro-Abortionists: RWN


Obama's New Policy: All Israeli Nuclear Workers Now Refused US Visas‏: JoshuaPundit
The Palestinians: Why Negotiate? The US Will Extract Concessions For You: Hudson
America's Wounded Ally: India is Annoyed by Obama: Newsweak

Hairy Munchkin Taunts Obama: JWF
Iran’s Support for the Taliban Is No Surprise: PJM
12-year old Yemeni bride dies three days after wedding: Maktoob

Ruh Roh: Greece Going Supercritical: Denninger
Qatari diplomat held over U.S. jet bomb scare: Maktoob


More Details on Microsoft's Free Office 2010: CNet
North Korean Red Star operating system details emerge: BBC


Put MO-power In Your Life With The moPad©: MOTUS
'I Hate the Rug': AmDigest
On Fast-balls And Swinging For The Bleachers: Hindenblog

Image credit: iOwnTheWorld

QOTD (hat tip: InstaPundit):

"So one wonders—as Putin embraces Chavez and Karzai plays host to Ahmadinejad; as Russia asserts the right to repudiate any nuclear-arms reduction treaty and China gives us the bird on the yuan; as the alliance with India languishes and the one with Britain experiences unprecedented atrophy; as Israel expresses acrid disagreement with us and Japan seeks to rip pages out of its postwar rulebook—what all the pragmatism has really, truly accomplished… …other than give our delighted adversaries a free pass and our friends a very rude wakeup call." -- Tunku Varadarajan, "How Obama is Weakening America"

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