Thứ Hai, 5 tháng 4, 2010

Larwyn's Linx: DNC Suicide Watch: 40% of Tea Party is Independent or Democrat

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DNC Suicide Watch: 40% of Tea Party Independent, Dem: JWF
CBO: ObamaCare Within 5% Of Nationalizing Insurance: Kesler
Redefining the term 'Racist' so it suits me: RWN

Sestak and the Silence of the White House: Malkin
MassCare Gamed By Short Term Customers: RWN
Panel: DOJ stonewalling on Panthers: Times


The Parable of the Referee: Doc Zero
GIGO: Why Real Revenue Will Lag CBO Forecasts: Blumer
America's Sinking Middle Class: AT

New taxes crushing small businesses: JWF
3 Reasons Public Sector Is Killing The Economy: Gillespie

Climate & Energy

Obama pumped up for fight with energy industry: WashExam
Prêt à La Guillotine–The French AGW Revolution?: CBullitt
EPA: New Pollution Rules for Cars Only the Beginning: CNS

Why can't we find a Climategate summary like this in US Media?: AT


Community Within Our Nation, Chaos In Theirs: LegalIns
Steyn: Reps Carson, Lewis, Cleaver Have Turned Into the Congressional Equivalent of the Duke Stripper: GWP
"You were right about Obama": LegalIns

Violence? What Violence?: MoneyRunner
Breaking News! MO and BO go to Church!: MOTUS
Obama's secular humanist Easter: Surber

Is the VAT coming?: Wizbang
Zo Gets Viewer Love Mail: Jawa


Severed Mexican Heads: Jawa
Burqa Bans, No. Free Speech Bans, Yes.: Chesler
The American Revolution…REBOOTED!: BigGovt

Obama's Russian Disaster: AT
How It Works: Crittenden


They Got iPad Fever for More Cowbell!: AmDigest
Sneak peek: Pixar's 'Toy Story 3' a very big winner: CNet


A Good Friday to Remember: Fumento
I totally meant to do that: Ace
Star Wars Episode 2: Attack of the Clones Review: YouTube

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